Oh You Wanna Mess Around? (evan smut)

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This has smutttt soo yeah sorry man

I walk into the living room sitting down next to evan "hey babe" i say and kiss his cheek "hey my love" he says and grabs my hand and i grab his hand back using my other hand to put it on top of his focusing on his hands

"Damn he has some attractive hands" i say out loud "what" evan says laughing "huh, oh nothing" i say a little embarrassed and turn my head to the tv watching the show he has on laying my head on his shoulder

His other hand goes under the blanket casually and i dont think anything of it till i feel his hand on my thigh and i smile to myself a bit before it goes higher i take a deep breath and try and calm my nerves before his cold hands go under my shorts a bit and i let out a shaky sigh before he gets higher and i grab his hand

I get from under the covers and i sit on evans lap straddling him "oh so you wanna mess with me like that huh?" I say smiling teasingly and he smiles a bit "yeah i do" he says and i smile more before kissing him softly and passionately

He holds me close to him as the kiss becomes filled with lust and love and he grabs my waist standing me up before he stands up and he makes me jump wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as we walk to our room and he lays me on the bed

He crawls on top of me and takes off his shirt kissing me "what your not gonna take your clothes off" he says smiling and i laugh before he takes off my shirt and kisses me sweetly again before his hands rub my thighs making my mind go crazy

He leans back and takes off my shorts pulling them down before pulling off my panties too and i smile as he takes off his sweatpants and underwear and he kisses me more a smile on both of our faces before his cold veiny hand slides down my stomach and a small moan leaves my mouth as i squirm

"Evan" i moan out a bit and he smiles a bit before he realizes what happened and his cold hand presses down on my stomach making me gasp a bit as my body tries to contain the coolness on one of the sensitive parts on my body he moves his hand down my to my wet part and plays with my bud a bit before he sits back and gets out a rubber ripping the packaging before putting it on and he gets me and him comfortable on the bed

He slips inside of me and i gasp oh my god hes the only man that can make me feel this good my back arches as he moves in and out of me giving me time to adjust and he groans as my nails dig into his back as he moves a little faster

His lips attach to my neck and leave marks down my neck and he kisses me and our tongues rub against each other as we get closer to our high "god your so beautiful" evan says and i moan out a bit "i love you evan" i breathe out whining a bit "i love you so much" he says and kisses my neck more

He moves in and out of me my back arching more and more before i release followed by evan right behind me "Oh Evan" i whimper out "God Y/n" he groans and we ride out our high and evan lays his head on my chest our breath heavy he pulls out of me throwing the rubber away before helping clean me and him up with a towel and he smiles at me and i smile back

He pulls the covers over me and him warming both of our bodys up as the blanket and our body heat becomes one he pulls me close to him i lay my head on his chest and i breathe his scent in deeply

"I love you evan" i say and he smiles and i smile back "i love you more y/n" he says and he kisses me sweetly and lovingly before his arms around me become tighter and i close my eyes and fall asleep with the love of my lifes arms wrapped around me

I am so tired holy shit goodnight man im goin to sleep right now cs god damn its barley 10 pm and im so fucking tired anyways i love you so much my love goodnighttttt

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now