My bad dream

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I walk into my boy best friends house who which i have a crush on im greeted by his welcoming smile and evan pulls me into a hug "hi y/n" he says and i smile "hi evan" we pull apart and we watch movies laying next to each other close

"Im tired evan" i say laying my head on his shoulder "okay lets go" he says and he gets up and lifts me up bridal style completely catching me off guard i start laughing hysterically and he walks to the guest room setting me on the bed "you could sleep in here if you'd like" id rather sleep in his bed but okay i nod and he walks out of the room

I lay down on the bed getting under the covers i sigh and close my eyes drifting off to sleep

I wake up gasping and sweating i had a damn bad dream i wipe my forehead tears threatening to leave my eyes i stand up and walk over to the door opening it walking to another door evans door

I open evans door shuddering "e-evan are you a-awake" i say stuttering and i hear his body shuffle "y/n whats wrong"  he says hints on concern in his voice "i just had a uhm bad d-dream and i cant go back to sleep" i say "come here" he says and i walk over to him he lifts his blanket up enough for me to get in i lay next to him and feel his strong arms wrap around me

A wave of relief and warmth fills my body making me sigh "its okay your okay you're with me now i wont let anything hurt you" he says pulling me closer to him and i dig my face into his chest gripping his shirt before closing my eyes again falling asleep knowing im finally safe...

I love this sm tbh imma make one of us comforting him be prepared for a bunch of these man i love u sm *mwah mwah mwah* bye byr my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now