Night Terrors (kit kat/kit walker)(kinda a part 2 to my kit?)

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Me and kit have been so happy since he came back from the asylum but i can tell theres just something off just a little bit but i dont pry im just glad to be here today falling asleep in his arms after waiting for him for months

Kit wraps his arms around me pulling me close i kiss his lips softly for a moment, just enjoying each other's lips on one another i finally pull away and lay my head on his chest he reaches over turning off the little lamp next to our bed and sighs contently holding me close and i drift off to sleep after i know kit fell asleep

I wake up to a sudden movement i dont move thinking its like his body twitching in its sleep or him moving until i hear small gasps of air and soft sobs i open my eyes to find out i rolled over facing away from kit he was holding me but i dont know whats wrong with him

I quickly turn over my hand going onto his chest and he gasps again "kit, its okay baby" i say and i reach over turning on the lap kits face lighting up from the soft orange light "hey breathe, what happened" i coo one hand on his chest and my other on his cheek making his main focus on me "i- i was back there, i was back in there y/n, a- and they had you too" he says tears about to overflow his eyes

I shake my head "no kitty, you are here with me, im not letting anything happen to you and you arent letting anything happen to me, its only us right now you are never leaving and you surely arent going back there" i say softly his eyes a scared look his hands gripping firmly onto my waist and arm and he study's me almost looking for a lie but he cant find a single one (i love the nickname kitty for kit if you dont get tf off my page like imagine talking to him or calling for him like "kitty" and hes jst like "yeah baby?" AHHHHHH)

"I have you, you have me, and it's gonna stay like that forever okay?" I ask softly and his gaze starts to soften he nods softly tears falling out of his eyes my thumb wipes his tears and i lean in leaving soft comforting kisses against his lips and he does the same a little more tired almost like relief

I pull away and we look into each other's eyes comfortingly almost talking without any words "i just- i just want to never go back, especially not with you i cant stand to see you hurt like that" he says softly and i nod understandingly "i know kitty, but you're never ever going back with or without me, not ever you hear me?" I ask and he nods softly "now wipe those tears off you're a pretty crier but cmoooonnnn, get at least one small smile in there" i say a smile starting to fill my face and i lean in leaving soft kisses all over his face and a small smile cracks through his lips becoming bigger and bigger

"Theres that handsome smileee" i tease his big hands holding my wrists as i hold his face with my hands a big smile on my face as well i give a soft kiss to his nose and we sigh contently starting to relax again me still looking at kit just leaning more into him and the pillows "you're all i could ever ask for y/n" he says and a wave of emotion hits me and i feel tears sting the back of my eyes "and you're all my wishes ive ever made in one" i say softly and he smiles wiping a tear off my face that slipped out of my eye before pulling me in

I kiss his soft lips i havent kissed until today in months our lips move together him pulling me closer to him we pull away and i breathe in deeply "you wanna sleep with the lamp on tonight?" I ask and he nods softly "okay whatever you say kitson" i say and he smiles "i love hearing my name come out of your mouth, kit, kitty, kitson, it makes me so happy" he says and i smile "well its all ur gonna hear for the rest of both of our lives" i say and he smiles more (did yall know kits name is kitson henry walker?)(personally i find it absolutely fucking adorable)

"C'mere" he says and he pulls me closer me draping my leg over his waist kinda put he pulls me completely on top of him me straddling his waist and he smiles up at me pulling me down to connect our lips i comply our lips moving in sync making up for all the months that we werent together after a moment we finally pull away and i wrap my arms around kits neck pulling him into a hug his strong arms wrap tighter more firmly around me and i bury my head into the crook of his neck

"I love you kitson" i say using his real name again "i love you too y/n" he says softly as he pats my hair stroking it comfortingly i finally get off his lap and he pulls me close pulling the blankets more over us "try and get some rest, im here and im not going anywhere kit" i say and he nods softly i lay my head onto his chest and breathe in deeply my thumb rubbing softly onto his chest almost reminding him im still here

His thumb rubs softly on my hip his big arms wrapped securely around me and i close my eyes finally letting myself drift slowly off to sleep finally happy and relieved in months

Ive never missed someone so badly...

This is sooooo cuuuuttteeee i was reading the "my kit" one i made a bit ago and this came to my mind and im absolutely so glad it did anyway FUCKING THANK YOU FOR 10.1K VIEWS WE FINALLY FUCKING DID IT IM SO HAPPY AND WERE ALMOST AT CHAPTER 100 OF THIS BOOK OMG IMMA START CRYIINNNGGGG THANK YOU GUYS I REALLY CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH OMG anyways i love you so much more than u will literally ever fucking know thank you again i hope you have the best day night evening morning whatever tf it is *mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwahhhh* i love youuuuu smmmmm my looovveee

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