i love you (evan smut)

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This has smuuuutututut

I unlock the door to mine and evans house and take off my shoes before taking off my coat throwing it on the counter after a stressful day at work

I walk over to evan who is on the couch watching a movie and he looks up at me "hey baby" he says before grabbing me by my waist sitting me on his thigh and i smile "hi" i say as i grab his face softly before leaning in kissing him gently

He kisses me back holding onto me tightly as i play with his hair i love down kissing his neck a couple times and he smiles slightly before rubbing my thighs softly moving his hand closer and more up

I gasp slightly as he gets closer before he turns me on my back and gets on top of me and guides my clothes off smiles on mine and evans faces

I pull his clothes off before he puts a rubber on while rubbing me making my legs twitch a bit before he lines me and him up and he enters me and i gasp clawing at his bare back

He lovingly looks into my eyes as our breath is heavy and he gently moves in and out of me i grab his face gently as i look into his eyes i press our foreheads together and he grabs my waist as i help grind onto him

Moans leave my mouth and soft groans leave evans mouth he moves into me repeatedly as i hold him close and i feel a knot in my stomach form and get tighter as he moves into me and out again and again i grab onto him tighter digging my nails into him before i throw my head back and i finish onto him

He groans as i tighten around him before he finishes too into the rubber as my legs shake and i pant trying to catch my breath as he stops his movement me and him breathing heavily against my skin and he looks back into my eyes deeply before smiling softly kissing me the kiss is filled with love and comfort as i smile softly as well and i wrap my arms around his neck pulling his head closer to mine his soft lips pressed against mine

I lean away from his lips and smile as his bright smile shines back onto me and he gets off of me laying next to me pulling the blanket onto both of us i look up at him as he pulls me close and he kisses my temple softly a couple of times and i kiss his nose softly and look into his eyes

"I love you" i say softly his smile grows more "i love you more baby" he says and i kiss him softly again before wrapping my arms around his body wrapping my leg around him and i pull my body close to his before smiling softly to myself realizing this is the man i wanna be with for the rest of my life

I close my eyes and fall asleep to his heartbeat and his scent and warmth and comfort and safety...

Awee so basically this imagine is supposed to be like REALLY loving like he looks into your eyes like ur the only girl in the entire world like he wants to be gentle and never hurt u soo imagine it like that :) i love you so much *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now