You're Lonely (cooper day)

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Me and cooper decided to hang out today at my house and hes been at my house literally never so he was a little stoked a bit but it all turned okay

Me and him are on my bed with his arm wrapped around me drinking a couple beers talking a bit and making out occasionally i love his soft lips pressed up on mine making me smile it just fills my stomach with butterflies

After me and cooper talk a bit i lean in about to kiss his soft plump lips i love so much when his phone rings and i pause before sighing "sucks" cooper says before answering the call "shello" he says making me smile a bit but it quickly drops after i realize something is wrong

He hangs up the call after thanking his friend and turns to me "i gotta go" he says and i look confused "are you okay? What happened" i say grabbing his hand gently "my uh mom just got in a crash shes in the hospital" he says and my eyes go a bit wide "come on ill get my brother to drive us" i say quickly standing up throwing on a sweater since the outfit im wearing is kinda a surprise for cooper yk? Not too revealing but it sure did catch his breath

I run upstairs to my brothers room "hey me and cooper need you to drive us to the hospital something happened with his mom" i say and his eyes dart at me before he nods okay acting weird

We go downstairs and i grab cooper and we start walking outside before my brother pauses causing me and cooper to stop in our tracks "Look I'm really messed up right now I wasn't expecting a big emergency and it's kinda freaking me out" he says and i roll my eyes "okay he cant drive i wanna go to the hospital not TO the hospital" cooper says "fine ill drive give me the keys" i say grabbing the keys "you sure?" Cooper asks and i nod "yeah i have been taking care of him since i was like 12" i say "damn y/n whats the big deal" my brother says "im tired, so tired" i say getting into the car and cooper literally crawls on top of the car to get to the other side so i had to hold back my laugh a bit

Its late and im driving down the road when someone honks at me making me more nervous "you did say you know how to drive right?" Cooper asks "shh im concentrating okay?" i say "sorry" cooper says making me feel a little bad and i sigh "its okay" i say softly and he sighs leaning back into the seat "your moms gonna be okay" i say "ive had like a sixth sense thing ever since the happy pills" i say looking over at him a bit him smiling "im not lying" i laugh "no i believe you" he says smiling

"You know im actually glad we didnt get Mongolian tonight" cooper says referring to when i pulled out the weed and initially ditched it "yeah, yeah me too" i say nodding my head focusing on the road i turn my head to look at cooper whos already looking at me with his pretty brown eyes making my stomach turn before he looks away back at the road causing me to look back at the road

Me and cooper arrive at the hospital and i have a bad feeling about me leaving so i go with cooper inside and i stay outside of his moms room and just kind wander around as cooper goes and talks with his mom after a moment i think i was just tripping when i hear cooper and his dad arguing

"How many?" Coopers dad jackson asks cooper holding coopers arm tightly "what" cooper asks "how many did you have" jackson says "what what arw you talking about"cooper says "cooper i can smell the beer" jackson says making cooper realize "like 2 but they werent that good so-" cooper says but gets cut off "where?" Jackson asks and cooper sighs "y/ns house but her parents are okay with it and-" cooper says "her parents are okay with it?!" Jackson says his voice a little high

"Did you have any intention to show up to ur moms party today or were you gonna stay at y/ns at drink beer all day?" Jackson says "just chill out a little bit" cooper says in a feeling i can describe but ive felt before "chill out?! Do you have any idea what ur mothers been through today?" Jackson says and cooper sighs "whats going through your head coop" jackson asks cooper "do you have any idea what i didnt do?" Cooper asks looking up at his dad "thats it thats what you got?" Jackson says and cooper nods "yeah" he says softly and kinda snarky "you're gonna tell me everything you didnt do? Good you didnt smoke any crack or beat up any homeless people coop bravo im proud of you" jackson says clapping his hands loudly

"I knew you'd understand" cooper says in disbelief before hes about to start walking away down the hallway where i am "and there you go walking away when things get tough" jackson says pointing at cooper and cooper turns around "and there you are not coming after me" cooper says before he turns around and walks down the hallway and turns the corner to see me and i look at him sympathetically before i grab his hand softly and we walk out of the hospital and to the car

We get in and i start driving again back to my house i grab coopers hand softly again making sure i dont crash the car i know hes hurt he just does a hell of a job not showing it sometimes but if he was ever hurt and i saw him i would know cause thats how much i love him

Me and cooper walk into the kitchen and i grab some empty beer cans throwing them into the sink before leaning against the counter looking at cooper whos faced away from me "hey, you okay?" I ask softly and genuine "i just walked away from my mom whos in the hospital after losing her baby i dont know if okay is the right word to describe me" cooper says turning around to look at me when we hear banging and yelling upstairs i sigh "whats he doing?" Cooper asks referring to my brother looking really cute in the moment "hes totally messed up gonna make himself go to bed" i say "sure he had social opportunities on a friday night" cooper says

"Just coveted to think time" cooper says "please hes a mentally stunted bag of crap i can drag behind me" i say scoffing a bit before we hear a loud bang and silence "nighty night dumbass" i breathe out harshly after a moment cooper speaks "you're lonely" cooper states and i scoff softly "is that why im a slut?" I ask "i didnt said that" cooper says before he pauses "i should go" he says and i nod hopping off the counter "yeah you should ill take you" i say "i wanna go with you" i add softly looking away from cooper "because you're lonely?" Cooper asks

I nod softly kinda "what if i am" i ask and he thinks for a moment before walking over to me and he wraps his arms around me making me do the same my hand rubbing his back slightly "woah" i say "woah" cooper copies "this doesnt suck" i say "nah" he says softly and i sink more into the hug putting my face in the crook of his neck giving his neck a quick kiss softly his warm body making me feel like i actually matter for once

After a while we finally pull away and i smile softly at him before i grab his hand and we walk over to the couch i sit down making him sit down next to me and i cuddle up to him a bit after a while we hear a knock on my front door i open it and see coopers dad "is my son cooper here?" He asks and i nod before cooper comes into frame

"I am so sorry" jackson says as he pulls cooper into a hug "i need you at home with me okay coop?" Jackson says "yeah, yeah man" cooper says pulling away from the hug and turning to me "are uh, are you gonna be okay?" Cooper asks and i nod softly but i know i wont be "yeah" i say lying but cooper stays looking at me almost pleading or unsure what to do "would you like to come home with us?" Jackson asks "yeah" i say softly nodding at jackson "I'd like that" i say

"Nice" cooper says to his dad "really?" Jackson says "yeah" cooper says softly before his dad walks out the door as coopers about to walk out to follow his dad i grab him gently "hey, you have no idea how lucky you are cooper" i say looking up at him "dont forget that" i say and he looks up from me and we walk outside to the car and coopers dad drives us to his house

We get to coopers house and make sundaes just having fun for the reat of the night i love cooper so much more than i will know...

Yeahhhhh im bored its 9 am idk what to do i needa finish another imagine rn but yeahhhhhh eeeweeeeeeeeeee i love u*mwah mwah mwah* bye my love mwaaaaaaaaahhhhhh

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