Ive Liked You Since The Moment I Saw You (m.c)

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I sit outside the gym max works out at ive had the biggest crush on max since ive known him and ive known him since elementary my feelings for him have a grown a shit ton tbh i love him but hes doesnt need to know that right now

I look inside every once in a while my eyes finding their way to maxs body his sweaty shirt his damp hair as he works out i know he isnt as fit as other guys but shittt if you dont want him ill take him i bite my lip and turn back around before the boys start walking out of the gym leaving and max is last and he looks down at me

I smile looking up at him before i stand up and we walk to his car "you trynna come over for a bit" max asks glancing at me i turn my head to look at him and smile "yeah for sure" i say and he drives us to his house

We walk into his house and to his room he grabs a towel and walks into his bathroom i hear the shower turn on and i sit on his bed laying back his scent filling my nose as i face the ceiling i sigh and sit up walking over to his desk grabbing his camcorder i record a silly really short video of myself he'll find it later

I set down the camera and sit on his bed again as i look around at the stuff in his room before the restroom door opens and max walks out with a towel wrapped around his waist i look him up and down before he talks "you like what you see?" Max says to me a blush runs across my face and i look away

He grabs his clothes and walks back into the restroom a sigh of relief escapes my lips as i silently scream into my hands and lay back onto max's bed and the restroom door opens again i look over and see max smile before walking over to the bed

He carefully gets onto the bed but on top of me and he smiles looking down at me i blush slightly his damp hair hanging covering his eyes a bit my hand reaches up and pushes it back i put some back and some behind his ear and some strands fall back down making me smile as he watches my hands and they go back on my eyes but my eyes are focused on his hair

I fix his hair a bit and smile looking back into his eyes my hands resting holding his face non intentionally while hes on top of me and im in between his legs

I look down at his lips before looking back at his eyes only to see his eyes looking down at my lips our breath becomes a little heavy as i pull his face down to mine and he leans down before my lips touch his softly the kiss isnt rushed its sweet and calm as i melt into him

His warm body on me our lips melted together as they move against one another one of my hands play with his hair the other still on his face his hand grabs my waist the other holding him up as i pull him closer to me before our lips separate and he looks at me and i look into his beautiful eyes "i like you a lot max" i say my voice above a whisper "i like you too y/n ive liked you since elementary i couldnt gather myself to say it" i smile at him

"I couldnt tell you either but the moment i saw you that day i was hooked onto you i didnt want to let you go but i couldnt say anything" i say confessing i dont really have anything to lose anymore he smiles back "oh yeah?" He says teasingly i nod "yeah" i say and he leans down kissing me sweetly again making butterflies erupt in my stomach

He kisses my jaw then my neck lovingly as my hands play with the soft strands of his hair i cant believe he actually likes me back all this time ive overthought and now i finally know he feels the same god i couldnt be happier

He lifts his head back up looking at me smiling and i smile back "be mine y/n" he says and i nod "gladly" i say and he sits up his warm body coming off of me before he grabs my waist lifting me up pulling me onto his lap straddling him "make out sesh?" He asks i smile and start kissing him his hands on my waist occasionally rubbing my thighs and my lower back making me shiver

My hands tangle through his hair and occasionally grab his thick forearms or my fingertips rub along his arms that are wrapped around me i kiss his soft lips feeling like me and him are the only people in the world

After a hour or so i separate our lips and smile at the boy infront of me "come on" max says a smile on his face before he takes me off his lap and me and him lay in his bed together my head on his shoulder his arm wrapped around me i lift my head up giving him another sweet kiss "goodnight max" i say and he smiles "goodnight baby" max says making me blush as i lay my head back down engulfed by his scent and i drift to sleep happy

Finally got my max i dreamed of...

Awe thats actually kinda cute when is it my turn man i gotta go to school tomorrow and im on the verge of damn tears bc of it i dont wanna go at alllll but oh well almost the end of school and im happy about that but i might make more imagines and yeah i love you a lot *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now