Wake Up (c.d)

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I walk into coopers room and sigh when i see him still asleep "coop" he doesnt respond "cooper" i say i hear a muffed sentence come from cooper "get the pillow out of your face i cant understand you" he takes the blanket and pillow off his face "wuffufufuf shwuvuvu" cooper says and i roll my eyes playfully "wow you actually said that" i said

He sits up a bit and looks at me "im dying to hear what you're doing in my room at 8:45 on a saturday" cooper says his shirt leaning off his shoulder making me smile a bit at how cute he is right now "we are all going to breakfast then we are going to nates soccer game get up" i say so he knows we have to go for his brothers Soccer game coopers bed hair making me blush a bit

I start to walk out before cooper calls out "lets hear it for jackson day ladies and gentlemen try the veal tip your waitress good night" cooper says before pulling the blanket over his head and i walk back into his room laughing a bit "oh no no no" i say lowly before i grab the end of his blanket and pull it completely off of him to see him balled up into a ball at the top of his bed covering his face

"This is beyond haynes man" cooper says and i smile he sets his back straight against the bed his legs still in a bent position so hes basically twisted at his waist "did you not read the study" cooper starts i playfully roll my eyes again my hands on my hips "what study" i say smiling "its a documented fact that teens need more sleep our circadian rhythms require at least 10 hours at day" he says sitting up and looking at me "you should be sleeping too" cooper says gesturing to his bed

"You made that up" i say a playful smirk on my face "not all of it" cooper says looking away "have you been drinking this morning by any chance?" Cooper says making me laugh a bit before i walk over to his curtains "no no no" he begs before i open the curtains and light shines into his bedroom he looks at me with a almost sad and disappointed face making me smile

"You are the very essence of evil" cooper says i smile before going close to him "but i still love you" i say and kiss him softly before waving my hand "get up" and i walk out cooper lays his head back down in a sigh and finally gets ready

I sit in the kitchen on my phone with coopers dad whos messing around with a camera and i hear laughing i look up and see cooper looking extra cute today with his grey striped shirt and his grey pants with a chain and his grey sweater making me smile coopers dad looks up at cooper "do i amuse you" coopers dad asks and cooper smiles walking into the kitchen "so much" cooper says before kissing my head and walking into the kitchen

Coopers mom and sister come out who are both pregnant by the way "mom dads all clean and hyper again whats up with that" coopers sister says looking at her mom "im piecing it together" coopers mom says before walking to put dishes in the sink "he smells like soap and aftershave instead of a german shepherd and old pajamas" cooper says while pouring him a cup of coffee making me smile "i do have ears you know" coopers dad says

Coopers sister and mom try and find coopers sisters sweater and she walks out with it on after her mom points out a place it could have been "when are we going" coopers brother asks "3 minutes" coopers dad says and coopers mom and sister talk for a sec before his mom spins around fast and grabs onto the counter "spinning bad" coopers mom says before running to throw up cooper sister puts her hand over her mouth "oh that sound" she says before she goes to throw up "well that happened" cooper says "5 minutes?" Coopers dad asks and me and cooper share a look

"Okay well im gonna go and find a way to go to the soccer game ill see you guys later" i say starting to walk away "oh no just ride with us" coopers dad says and i turn around "theres no space?" I say and coopers dad looks at cooper before turning to me "only time ill allow because everyone will be in the car but you can just sit on coopers lap" coopers dad says i sigh a bit and nod "okay" i say "and no funny business" coopers dad says playfully i smile "yes sir" i say my hands up defensively and i walk back over to cooper

After a while we end up going to the car and i sit on cooper lap a small blush passes on my cheeks before we sit there for a while as they argue on where to eat

"We have been trying to decide on a restaurant for 15 minutes" coopers dad groans coopers mom and sister start talking about what they want to eat and their cravings and cooper looks at his dad with pleading eyes and shakes his head no making me smile and laugh bit "casa del sol anybody?" Cooper asks and coopers mom says no so we end up going to a play place that has food

We get trays and food and sit down at a table "okay so we eat breakfast so to nathans thing and were free right?" Cooper asks his parents "heres the thing my wellness coordinator-" coopers dad starts before we start laughing "dude that gets me every time" cooper says smiling "my wellness" coopers dad cuts off coordinator "strongly recommend that we spend the entire day together whole family and with y/n" coopers dad says "this isnt gonna make you saner its just gonna make us just as crazy as you are" coopers sister says her hormones out of the roof

"Awe thanks baby im so glad you feel comfortable about comforting yourself around me" coopers dad says teasingly to coopers sister "is there so kind of operation for unbearable shrillness" cooper says and i hit his leg slightly and i smile to myself before coopers mom starts ranting about something and coopers sister throws stuff into coopers hair i laugh slightly trying to hold it in as i look at cooper lift his head up

"Not The Hair" cooper says food in his mouth "oh is that was you call that tangled mess of vacuum funk on your head" coopers sister says making me laugh a little harder "vacuum funk?" Coopers brother asks "the funk you get out of the vacuum" coopers sister says

Cooper scoops some ketchup on a fry and throws it at his sisters shirt and she gasps my mouth wide open shocked as well "oh no you didnt" coopers sister says pulling her chair out ready to throw more stuff at cooper and cooper stands up too "you like that?" Cooper asks getting more food before coopers mom shuts the whole thing down and i laugh slightly at the chaos that just happened

I turn to cooper and get the stuff out of his hair making it look good before kissing his cheek quickly and turning back normal in my seat

God i love him...

Cuteee aweee omg this is actually so cute i cant do this man i love cooper with my whole heart im so obsessed with him its starting to scare me i cant keep cooper off my mind hes so adorable omg and that hair i just wanna run my fingers through it bro omg anyways i might make more but imma do some stuff rn bye bye i love you so much my love *mwah mwah mwah*

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