My Girlfriend

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I sit in my room before i start to want to see my girlfriend Taissa i get up and grab my wallet and everything i need and i walk downstairs and i walk outside locking my door "MOM IM GOING TO GO TO THE STORE" I yell into the house "OKAY BE SAFE" i walk down the street turning and turning before im at the grocery store

I walk in and i get flowers and walk up to pay for them after i payed i walk out and walk back near my house but i just turn down the road and i go to a house and i pull out my phone and i press on a contact "My love 💓" and it goes to ring

And after 2 rings a sweet voice of my girlfriend comes from the other side of the phone "hey baby" i hear her beautiful voice i fell for "hey babe come outside i wanna hang out with you" i say and i hear her mumble a mhm "okay ill be right there" and i wait a couples minutes

I put my hand that was holding the flowers behind my back so when she comes out she cant see them i hear her front door rattle and it opens and i see her straight blond and brown hair flying around her shoulders and i see the rest of her body come out of the house she locks her door

After locking her door she turns around and smiles at me and puts her key in her pocket and runs up to me "baby!" She says a beautiful smile on her face showing straight perfect white teeth and she wraps her arms around my neck and the hand that isn't holding the flowers wraps around her waist and we give each other a hug

She backs up and looks me up and down "here i have something for you" i say and she looks at me smiling even more "what is it" she says trying to look behind my back "close your eyes" she puts her hands out and closes her eyes and i put a bouquet of flowers in her hand that match her vibe

And opens her eyes and gasps before pulling me by my neck close to her again and this time im able to wrap my arms around her waist and i lift her up so shes off the floor but still in my arms

I set her down and my hand rubs up and down her back and she leans back and we give each other a kiss and she smiles into the kiss causing me to smile as we give soft kisses against each others lips and me and her lean back "thank you!" She says a giant smile on her face god i could look at it all day

"Your welcome my love" we turn and i grab her soft warm hand taking it into my cold one warming my hand up i bring her hand up to my face and i give it a soft kiss and she smiles and leans into me and we continue walking together talking together telling each other how much we love each other "hey you wanna stay the night today its the weekend and my mom still doesnt know that were together soo"

She nods "yeah im excited" she says smiling "okay lets start walking back cause its kinda late and ill set up my room and ill be outside your house at 9:00pm" i say looking into her brown hypnotic eyes "okay" she says a smile on her face like every other time and we start walking back and i drop her off at her house and i go to my house and set up my room my computer my blankets all of it

After getting ready fixing my hair and stuff its almost 9:00 so i start heading to my beautiful girlfriends house and i see her already walking out of her house with her backpack on and she walks up to me "hi" she says "hey" i say and give her a big kiss my hand on her waist and her face and her hands grabbing the back of my neck pulling me close to her

"Okay lets go" i say grabbing her hand and we walk to my house and i unlock the door opening it and we walk to my room laughing at each other we sit on my bed and she takes off her sweater and shoes and i do the same and we lay down next to each other watching movies laughing about dumb inside jokes not being able to breathe

We eat snacks and drink soda and we decide to walk downstairs and make some food i make ramen and she makes the eggs to put on top and we smile next to each other and i find myself imagining me and her in our own house happy together cooking next to each other and i get snapped out of my thoughts when she says "done!" And we sit down at the table

I put my hand on her thigh and we eat her occasionally putting her hand over mine thats on her leg my thumb rubbing the jeans on her we talk and chill together before we head back upstairs finally tired and i lock the door

We change into comfortable clothes and we lay down next to each other and she lays her head on my chest and i wrap my arm around her she lifts her head up and i lean down giving her a big sweet soft patient kiss and she puts her hand on my cheek pulling me closer into the kiss kissing me a couple times more before laying her head back down "i love you y/n" she says to me tired "i love you too taissa" and we fall asleep together warmth radiating off our bodies becoming one...

Finally a gay taissa story it was long overdue and i hope u guys like it soo yeahh i love u guys *mwahh mwahh mwahhhh* bye my love

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