Hey handsome (c.d.)

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I see cooper walk into school his black sweater on with pins his fluffy hair with his necklace his white graphic t shirt under with his loose pants making me swoon

He walks over to his locker and i walk up to him "hey handsome" i say smiling before kissing him deeply as he returns the kiss "hey" he says as we pull away "ill see you later m'kay?" I say giving him another quick peck before walking away to my classes wanting to get them all over with

After some classes and its break i walk out to find cooper and hes with the stoner kids i clear my throat and he turns around throwing his cigarette bud on the floor "hello" cooper says i smile slightly "hello" i say back "right im supposed to kiss you thats much cooler isnt it?" He says i smile to myself "if thats what you want" i say and he leans in giving me a sweet kiss his soft lips against mine

My hands reach up to the back of his neck his lips tainted with the taste of cigarette smoke we pull away after a second "you've been smoking" i say looking at the bud at the ground before meeting the boys eyes again "ill quit" he says pleading slightly i smile "thats okay if you want to keep smoking i dont mind ill kiss your lips and care for you the same way" i say shrugging my shoulders

He smiles slightly "i like you a lot cooper" i say shyly looking up at him "wait i thought you liked me because im the dark moody outsider and because i was cool" i roll my eyes shoving him playfully as i smile and pull his jacket pulling him close to me close to where our bodies are touching not super close you know

"Ill see you later coop" i say giving him a quick kiss starting to walk away before i hear laughing and snickering of the boys that were behind cooper at cooper i turn around making my way back to cooper before i pull him close to me

My hand reaches for his hairs tugging softly on the curly strands as my other hand pulls his face close to mine and i smash my lips onto his the kiss is passionate before we lean back still close coopers eyes still closed as our noses touch for a second and my hands move to his chest resting there

Cooper takes a second his eyes closed swallowing before his eyes open and i smile at him softly "bye coop" i say and start walking away now those assholes cant say shit because they cant get anyone meanwhile i have the guy who ive been crushing on since like elementary school

After school i go to my house and clean up a bit before heading to coopers house he always likes when i come over later at night because his family rarely bothers him and especially during the weekends because everyone's asleep and todays friday so we arent busy at all i open the door walking in seeing his sister hugging him "what is going on" he says and she punches him playfully "im pregnant too asshole" she says and walks away "right" cooper says and takes a sip of his drink

I smile and walk over to cooper pulling him into a loving hug "the only person i actually enjoy hugging me" cooper says his arms wrap around my waist making me smile now cooper isnt much of a hugger or lover at all but its different when hes with me idk what it is that makes me so different from everyone else ill figure it out later

Me and cooper chill in his room him writing while i sit on his bed admiring him we hear a knock on the door and cooper rushes to tell me to go in his closet the door slightly creaked open so i can see whats going on and him and his dad have this whole convo on pot as i tried to contain my laughter

"I want you to make the same choice as me i need you to not do drugs period" coopers dad says "how is that fair" cooper asks lifting his hands a bit "your a teenager you make bad choices without being high you do the math" coopers dad says nudging his head at cooper sitting up "yeah but-" cooper starts before he gets cut off "its not a debate" coopers dad says a playful smile on his face "and if i find anything or smell anything im gonna make you wait another 6 months till you get your drivers license then a year and 18 months" coopers dad says standing up walking over to cooper "okay okay i think i got the grip on your complex punishment for me" cooper says smiling slightly "great i knew you'd understand" coopers dad says patting cooper on his shoulder before walking out closing his door

I walk out of coopers closet a dumb smile on my face and cooper smiles slightly nudging his head in a 'come here' motion and i walk over to him i sit on his right leg facing him "why do you only like when i hug you or anything whats so different about me coop" i say my hand playing with the hair on the back of his neck he looks into my eyes his arm wrapped around my waist as my legs sit in between his legs and im sat on one of his legs

"Its because-" he looks around for a second resting his hand on my thigh "i love you" he says making me smile big "i love you too cooper" i say and my hand reaches up to his cheek my fingers twining through his soft hair as i lean in and give him a sweet kiss that makes me and him blush our mouths move together his hands grabbing my waist as my hands play with his hair occasionally gripping his shirt pulling myself more into him

After a minute me and him pull away lips almost touching still "stay with me tonight?" Cooper says almost pleading i smile and nod my head "ill stay coop" i say before kissing him more not wanting to get go of him or leave this moment

I eventually stand up still kissing cooper before i straddle him my legs resting on each side of his legs as i pull his lips to mine our breath a little heavy his hands move to my hips gripping tightly my head leans down as i kiss his neck leaving soft kisses against the soft skin soft groans leave his mouth making my legs feel like jello

I lean back still on coopers lap and smile at him giving him a quick kiss before getting off his lap grabbing his hands pulling him up "come on" i say and we get into coopers bed i face him his arm wrapped around my lower back his hand stopping at my waist my head on his shoulder close to his chest while my other hand is on his chest

I give him a sweet last kiss biting his lip softly before putting my head down closing my eyes falling asleep to the familiar scent of my boyfriend cooper day...

Okay i set myself up im making a smut of cooper later i have to man come on my life wont be complete so ill do that probably right now or soon so yeah its 6 am ive stayed up all night its almost 7 idk how im even working anyways i love you *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love talk later

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now