You're Okay (taissa farmiga comfort)

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I stand up and sigh before a sob leaves my mouth and tears leave my eyes why do i feel like this i try and control my breathing while also trying to think about taissa in an attempt to calm my nerves

As my sobs come out louder and more consistent i wipe my tears over and over but more stream down my face and i gasp for air and hear the front door handle jingle and the door opens and closes i hear keys fall onto the counter

"Baby im home" i hear my girlfriend say and another sob leaves my mouth and i hear the bedroom door open and i wipe my tears sobs still forcing their way out of my mouth before i see taissa running over to me kneeld down infront of me on the floor "whats wrong baby" she says to me sweetly i shake my head and turn my head away from her and she grabs my face and stands up and kisses my head

She holds me close as shes standing and im sitting and i pull her close my face kinda on her stomach and chest as she pats my hair and runs her fingers through my hair at the same time i pull her onto my lap and she keeps playing with my hair kissing my head and face every once in a while

"You're okay" she whispers "no im not" i say as a sob breaks through "im so tired of things, small things making me go from 0 to 100 in a second" i say and she sighs lightly pulling me close to her, her hair tickling my nose "im so tired taissa" i say digging my face into her hair more kissing her neck softly a couple of times

"I know baby i have you you're okay" she coos and i calm down and she stands up and changes and she gets under the covers and pulls me close i switch positions so im in between her legs my head on her stomach my hands rubbing against her thighs softly

"I love you" she says and i smile softly before crawling up to kiss her "i love you too" i say kissing her her head and and i move back down lifting up her shirt where her stomach is and i lay my head on her bare stomach and she plays with my hair softly and i kiss her stomach gently making her laugh a couple times making me smile

I rub her thighs again and she plays with my hair occasionally rubbing her finger tips against my face and i breathe in deeply kissing her stomach occasionally as she ruffles up my hair with her fingers twirling my hair with her fingers and i breathe in her scent more and i wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close to me

I run my hand up and down her thighs and legs more and she smiles and i kiss her stomach and thigh softly before closing my eyes falling asleep with my girlfriend in my arms...

I love this i made this in class in my note book because i was sad and bored and so i made it into a wattpad story its so adorble i actually want this to be my life anyways imma make a smut of taissa rn bye bye my love *mwah mwah mwah* byee

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