The New Guy At The Asylum

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*this does contain smut sorry u can skip :)*

I sit in the main room where everyone plays board games listens to this song that makes me want to go more crazy i pick up a cigarette and bring it to my lips inhaling the smoke and move it away holding it in my two fingers

The door opens and i see a man with brunette hair soft pink lips and an amazing body walk into the room i catch is gaze and i look away trying not to make it obvious i was looking at this guy like he was a god

He walks over to me and sits down before talking "hey you look like the most sane person in here" he says before picking up a cigarette and lighting it "yeah well when they think your crazy it kinda makes you think your crazy" i say before taking another hit

"What are you in here for" he says looking over at me "they think i killed my boyfriend" i say glancing over at the brunette "well did you" he asks "nope, he killed himself in front of me he never really cared about me and when i said i wanted to break up he threatened me with a knife then slit his own throat" i say looking down

"Oh im so sorry" he says turning to me "it doesnt matter i wasnt even in love with him anymore, what did u do" i say taking another hit blowing the smoke away "they think i killed my wife i obviously didnt they think im a famous killer that killed a whole bunch of women, i dont understand why they would think that"

"Im sorry" i say grabbing his hand that was free and he shrugs his shoulders "nothing you can do about it if they think your crazy then your crazy" i say squeezing his hand while rolling my eyes "well we got each other now dont you think" he says looking over at me again "yeah" i say smiling slightly


Its been a couple weeks knowing kit and we've gotten pretty close and learned about each other and my feeling for him have grown like wildfire

Im in the bakery kneading dough and feel a hand go on my lower back and i look over and see kit "hey" i smile "hey" he smiles at me rubbing my back with his thumb slightly

"God im so tired" i say before rubbing my ams in pain "awe come here" kit says and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me close to him i wrap my arms around his neck playing with his hair softly

He lifts his head up and looks into my eyes and i look down at his lips and we lean in close before our lips touch together its soft and slow i grab the back of his neck and pull him in closer and his hand is on my waist and his other hand is moving up and down on my back

Our heads turn and the kiss turns more heated my hand goes to his chest and i grip his shirt his hand moves to my ass and i kiss his cheek to his jaw line down to his neck and he groans as i leave sweet kisses on his neck

He attaches his lips back to mine for a second and latches to my neck a soft moan leaves my mouth "kit.." He leans down and grabs the back of my thighs and lifts me onto the table kissing me passionately

I grab at his pants needing this man right now cause god its been a long ass time since ive had some action he looks down at me and takes out his cock it is way bigger than ive ever imagined "you sure?" Kit asks out of breath i nod and smash my lips against his once again he lifts my gown up and moves my panties to the side

He puts his cock at my entrance and slowly pushes it into me i gasp and grab his hair tightly its painful but kit takes a moment to let me adjust and looks at me waiting for me to say go and after a moment i nod and he starts to move his hips back and forth slowly

I moan and lean back on the table arching my back i sit up slightly and wrap my legs around his waist and push his waist into me with my legs moans leave my mouth every second

Kit throws his head back and groans before i lay down again "please kit...faster" he picks up his pace and grabs my waist becoming more rough he puts one hand on my neck slightly choking me god how can this man get hotter

I moan louder and feel my orgasm forming "kit.." I moan his name making him grunt "god y/n.." He says throwing his head back once more and his thrusts become more sloppy and i become more out of breath "kit i think im gonna..." I say before my orgasm hits me and i moan louder than before "KIT" i say trying to bite my lip so im not very loud "OH FUCK Y/N" kit says before he leans so his upper body is on top of mine

We sit there for a second as we catch our breath and kit lifts his head up and i smile at him and grab his face with both of my hands and he smiles at me i fix his hair from his face and kiss him passionately with a smile on both of our faces

He pulls out of me and i sit up and he gets a paper towel to clean up not the best i know but we are in an asylum what do u expect and we clean up and he fixes his pants and grabs my waist and helps me stand up with my legs being a little wobbly i grab his face and kiss him again

Its already late so i take him to my cell for and its a movie night so no ones paying attention and we can take a nap and he will leave so we dont get caught

We get to my cell and he lays down and puts me basically on top of him and we drift to sleep just for a bit...


heyy soo i hope you liked the smut ill make a cute imagine with kit later but im tired and yeah i hope you liked this one i love you guys so much *mwah mwah mwah* goodnightt

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