Stress Relief (tate smut)

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Requested from: monstermash1701 if you wanna request you can request on any of my chapters from this book

I walk into my room throwing my bag to the floor before collapsing on my bed i close my eyes about to fall asleep before i remember i need to take a shower i sigh and sit up rubbing my eyes before i leave my room and go to the restroom

I havent seen tate yet which is weird cause he usually is waiting for me in my room or something i shrug it off its not like he can go anywhere (dammmnnn) and i turn on the shower standing infront of the mirror before i start taking off my clothes throwing them to the floor as well

I check the water to make sure the temperature is right before stepping in slowly the water running down my body more and more the more i go under the water head my water goes through my hair running into the drain i grab the shampoo bottle pumping some of it into my hands before lathering it into my hair my fingers scrub my scalp and hair making my hair foamy i go back under the water and the water starts rinsing the soap out of my hair i sigh softly the water feeling relaxing after a tough day

I feel a pair of cold arms wrap around me making me jump and i quickly turn around only to see a mess of curls i recognize "tate you scared the fuck out of me" i say my hands reaching up to rest on his shoulders he smiles "im sorry" he says softly before leaning down to place soft kisses against my lips in which i return

After a minute he pulls away and notices something wrong "whats the matter" he asks "just a stressful day thats all" i sigh out and he thinks for a moment "how about i help relax you hm?" He asks and i tilt my head "okay" i say softly and he smiles a bit before leaning down kissing me again i kiss back with just as much love and passion the kiss getting heated

He trails down my jawline finally to my neck leaving soft kisses against the sensitive skin making soft moans leave my mouth riling him up his hands roam my naked body making me want more really bad

"God, tate please do something" i whimper out and feel him smile against me his lips start to trail down to my chest him getting lower and lower starting to get on his knees making my heart race and my stomach do flips my hands gently run through his hair a bit he kisses my stomach making butterflies erupt in my stomach i push my thighs together for some release before tates cold hands start to rub them slightly starting to spread them open my back against the cold wall

My legs spread open tate on his knees infront of me leaning in kissing my thighs my head falls back against the wall as he gets closer and closer to where i need him most before he kisses me softly making me gasp he licks me up and down making a shaky moan leave my mouth "tate" i whine out as i grip his hair

He sucks on my bud making me moan out into the air good thing my parents are at work tates tongue making me feel like in in straight bliss this is definitely the best stress relief ever "tate im not gonna be able to stand" i whimper out and i feel him grab my thigh pulling it on his shoulder doing the same with my other one hoisting me off the ground and against the wall tates shoulders supporting my thighs

Tate keeps working me before he uses his hand and slips a finger inside of me making me groan out loud "shit" i breathe out as he moves his finger in and out of me putting a second in "tate im gonna cum" i whine feeling him smile against me again "finish baby" he says continuing his work i feel a knot in my stomach getting tighter and tighter before it all releases and i finish on tates mouth riding out my high as he licks all of it up

My legs shaking on tates shoulders and he moves his head out of place and looks up at me with innocent eyes as i breathe heavily he pulls his fingers out of me and gently guides my thighs off of his shoulders my feet hitting the ground again unsteady tate quickly gets on his keet and grabs my waist again stabilizing me he smiles slightly at me making me turn the other way smiling a bit as well i lay my hand on the wall to stable myself and tate grabs a loofah and puts body wash on it and starts washing your body you then take it and wash him as well

We get out and wrap towels around ourselves and rush to my room i grab one of tates shirts and some shorts he puts a shirt on and some grey sweatpants he has we go and lay on the bed tate pulls me close running his hands through my damp hair my head on his chest

I hold onto him tight the blanket on top of both of us and i look up at him he looks down at me and leans down kissing my lips softly and i kiss his as well "i love you" he whispers making me smile "i love you too" i say and he smiles a bit i lay my head back down on tates chest

I melt into tate his feel his scent just all so relaxing i close my eyes and tate rubs my arm softly with his fingertips and leans down placing a kiss on my head making me dmile again i drift off to sleep in tates arms...

Thank you for requesting sorry i took a bit thats my fault but yeah i love you *mwah mwah mwah* byyeee my loovveee

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