Show Me You Love Me (v.h) smut

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This has smut obviously im making more of these with different characters because idk im really attracted to them rn

I walk to my room and sigh sitting on my bed its hard when all you want to do to your ghost girlfriend is grab her waist and rip off her clothes and please her

I run my hand down my face trying to control myself. Shit. I go over to my record player putting on a song before gripping the desk trying to breathe normal attempting to at least cross my legs while standing up to feel some relief as i look down trying to control my thoughts

I hear someone clear their throat and i turn around to see violet looking at me with innocent eyes. Fuck quit looking at me like that. "Hey you okay" she says turning her head i nod taking a deep breath and smoothing out my pants trying to look as normal as possible so she doesnt know what shes doing to me

"Yeah im fine" i say looking at her flashing her a smile i turn off the music and walk over to my bed sitting down turning my head to face her and she walks over to me a look of suspicion on her face "no you arent whats going on" god even her voice is getting me riled up

I shake my head "nothin" she walks closer standing in between my legs looking down at me "tell me" she says lifting my face up to look at her i consider my thought because we've never done that before but its to much to handle right now

Usually i would try to take care of it myself but shes in here now and she knows somethings wrong so she wont be leaving for a while till she gets it outta me

I grab her waist reluctantly pulling her to straddle me her skirt wrinkling up her legs her leggings under against my thighs my hands grab onto her thighs moving soft circles with my thumbs into them as she looks down at me her hands on my shoulders looking a little flushed as i try to control myself my thoughts racing through my mind

"I cant control myself violet" i say my voice a little above a whisper "what do you mean" she says tilting her head slightly "i keep having thoughts about you all the things i want to do to you and damn frankly i cant take it anymore" i say lowly looking into her eyes before looking her body up and down the grip on her thighs getting tighter the more i try to contain myself

She smirks slightly barley noticeable "how much do you love me" she asks moving one hand to be slightly on my neck and my cheek "i love you a lot violet more than you will ever know" i say pushing my thighs more together my grip tighter on her

"Show me how much you love me" she says leaning down to kiss me i kiss her back roughly as she pulls me close to her i squeeze her thighs pulling her so her legs and rest more up my lap our bodies pressed against each other

I move my head down to kiss her neck her soft skin against my lips i feel a low vibration come from her throat an almost inaudible moan. God violet. I stand up her legs wrap around my waist as i move us up on the bed me on top of her her body pressed against mine and the mattress

Her lips pressed against mine hungrily and passionately she moves her hands down almost touching me just the inside of my thighs "i wanna" she says i pull away still on top of her looking down on her our lips close together "you sure?" I say she nods eagerly "yes" she says to me and i kiss her soft lips once more

My hand trails down her body between her covered breasts and her stomach before i reach her waist band and i pull away fiddling with the waistband and she gives me a nod so i kiss her again my hand slipping past the waistband of her leggings and skirt before my hand passes her underwear band i slowly lower my hand more before i find the sensitive bud of hers earning a gasp from her

I move my fingers in a circular motion making her body jerk every now and then making her moan into my mouth and i kiss her neck still playing with her bud making her squirm as whimpers leave her mouth making the pool between my legs feel like its about to overflow

"You're so beautiful" i say just above a whisper into her ear as her lovely whimpers fill my ears and i look at her face the sight making me even closer to losing my mind her eye brows furrowed together her pretty pink lips forming an 'O' as her hips buck up only for me to push them down playing with her more

My hand slips down more and my middle finger enters her making her gasp again as i move in and out of her curling my finger i move my position so i can use both hands on her and i dont fall or something and while my finger is moving in and out of her i use my other hand playing with her bud once again she squirms under me the sight of me pleasing her and knowing im doing this to her making me even more heated

My eyebrows furrow together slightly as her moans make me feel hot and make me feel something as pleasure just from her sweet noises runs through me to my bud forcing me to press my thighs together more causing me to let out a low groan as i move my finger in and out of her my other hand working her bud

She grips one of my arms and i feel her clench around my finger and i pull my hands away from her just before she releases her eyes shoot open as she grabs my hand looking at me with pleading eyes "please y/n please touch me anything please" she says pleading small whimpers leave her mouth as she tries to push her legs together to get relief but im in between her legs so they dont get too close together making her squirm

I put my finger in my mouth sucking off all the juices before one of my hands grabs her hand squeezing it "breathe my love that was a little rough i shouldve started off slower" i say realizing i was too horny and caught up in the moment so it was harsh even for both of us as guilt fills me

She takes a deep breath as i do too and i focus on her beautiful face and slowly move my hands to the bottom of her shirt pulling it over her head leaving before taking her skirt and pants off and her underwear that was soaked tossing them to the floor leaving her i her bra i take off all my clothes and slowly take her bra off admiring the beautiful body infront of me and i smile slightly at the sight

Shes all mine no one elses her body is all mine only for me to enjoy so why rush i decide to slow down and be more gentle with her for mine and her sake "you're so pretty violet" i say moving some hair out of her face that got ruffled up from her leaning her head back into the pillow

I move our bodies slightly so our buds are pressed against each others and i kiss her softly still hungrily but more passionately and patiently i move myself against her making a groan leave my mouth as a small whimper leaves hers

I softly and slowly grind myself against her earning pleasure from all the pent up heat from earlier i kiss her sweetly moving against her still as we moan softly into the kiss and i say sweet nothings i feel a knot in my stomach and pick up the pace slightly moans whimpers and groans filling the area as well as the sound of shuffling

"God Violet" i say releasing against her and shes right behind me "Y/n" she moans out and we catch our breath before i stand up grabbing a towel i have helping her clean herself up before i clean myself up and lay next to her pulling her body close to mine

"Im sorry i was so rough violet in the beginning i was caught up in the moment and i had a lot of pent up heat im so sor-" i begin apologizing before violet cuts me off with a kiss "its okay im not mad or anything you controlled yourself by the end i wouldnt rather of done that with anyone else y/n"

I smile and she shuffles more into me and i close my eyes her scent of cigarettes and perfume filling my nose as i fall asleep with my beautiful girlfriend lays in my arms

Okay i got a little carried away in the beginning because i was too heated but i fixed it and im going to make more with different characters 100% but this is it for right now i might make more right now also so yeah i love you *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now