Airport (evan)

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Me and evan decided to fly to Arizona since thats where im from and we usually drive to visit my family after i moved to LA and met evan but the problem is im a little traumatized from planes and airports because my family is a very unhealthy family and they used to stress out ALL THE FUCKING TIME during trips even still in the state

I walk over to evan and sigh and he looks up at me as i grab some stuff putting it in my bag "baby we dont have to go on a plane if you dont want" he says and i nod "i want to but god it was just so stressful when i was younger" i say and evan walks over to me

He slides his hand down my arm and wraps his arms around my waist holding me close to him and i grab his arms rubbing them softly "it'll be okay its just me and you this time" he says and i nod before turning my head and i kiss him softly which he returns

I finish packing my charger and all that and me and evan decide its finally time to go to sleep and he holds me tight reassuring me every once in a while

The morning i wake up to my alarm at 3 am damn it i hate having to wake up this morning for some flights but i wanted to see the sunrise and stuff through the window i get up and turn to evan whos stirring out of his sleep "come on baby" i say before leaning down to kiss his head softly and he finally gets up

We change and do everything we need to and take a uber to the airport and i grab evans hand tightly as i see the airport god i wanna kill myself

He holds it back squeezing it softly and we get dropped off and we go inside going to check in and we get out tickets we need and walk to the other check in and i squeeze evans hand more tight this is the worst part of it all bro omg we get in the long line with everyone else and the line starts getting closer

We finally get to the front and we have to give our tickets to the guy and he scans them and i breathe deeply as we start walking we grab a bin and start taking stuff out of our pockets and taking off our shoes and i try and go as fast as i can the stress from when i was younger coming back at least i dont have 2 parents arguing in the background

I look over at evan 'its okay breathe' he mouths and i nod breathing deeply as i remember how mean these assholes that move the bins and stuff are you ask a question and they just fucking look at you stupid i shake my head ignoring the thought

I fidget with my fingers as i start walking through the metal detector and when nothing happens i walk to where the bins with your stuff comes out and evan comes out a bit after and i quickly grab my stuff after the bin comes out trying to throw on my shoes "come on put them on over here" evan says pointing to a bench and i nod sitting down starting to put on my shoe and he grabs my thigh "see just breathe the worst was over" he says and i nod before i kiss him quickly and finish putting on my shoes

We stand up and start trying to find our gate and we walk down the long plane hallways with stores at every corner that no one buys shit from and we follow the signs finally finding our gate after a while and we sit down knowing it might be a bit until we finally board

I sit next to evan and grab his hand and he turns to me "you okay" he asks and i nod rubbing my thumb over the back of his big hand and after a little bit we have to board the plane we get in line and the long line starts moving we get to the front and scan our tickets once more before going down the long hallway with another line before we finally get into the plane

Another thing i remembered about planes is that when you're walking down to find a seat EVERYONE and when i say everyone i mean FUCKING EVERYONE just stares at you and it makes me wanna jump out of the plane mid air i grab evans hand as we walk down and lucky enough at the back of the plane theres a empty row and evan gives me the window seat cause hes such a gentleman

I sit down throwing my bag under the seat and evan does the same sitting next to me and i put on my seatbelt so i dont have to later last second or something and i grab evans hand turning to him smiling a bit "was that really stressful?" He asks and i shake my head "not as much as i remember but i think it was because my family you know?" I say and he nods and i lean my head back putting my headphone in listening to my playlist i downloaded so i can listen offline

I hand evan my other headphone which he takes putting it in since for some reason he wanted to listen to my playlist today i guess the intercom comes on and they show us how to use our seatbelts and oxygen and all that and shortly after the plane starts moving im not scared or anything when i go on the planes but its been a while so i still hold evans hand softly and the plane speeds up and starts flying in the air and i look out the window smiling as the ground gets smaller and smaller and smaller the clouds covering it and i turn to evan before i lay my head down on evans shoulder

He lays his head onto my head as well and i rest there for a while before i know it almost a little over a hour has passed and the plane gets lower and lower it lands on the ground shoving me more into my seat and we go to the gate and after a minute we start heading out and i call my family to pick me and evan up from the airport

I turn to evan and squeeze his hand "thank you for giving me an enjoyable flight for the first time in my life" i say and he smiles "no problem my love" he says and leans in and i kiss him softly before my parents pull up

Now we have to deal with my damn family but at least i have evan...

Im in the plane rn going back to arizona which is yes where i live but uh yeah i wanted to make this for myself because my family are little pieces of shit who make me wanna kill myself on trips and even off trips so yeah but i love you *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now