First Time (evan my baby)

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I feel strong arms wrap around me and i smile widely before turning around to be met with the face of my boyfriend evan "hey babe" i say wrapping my arms around his neck "hey baby" he says softly "how have you been? I missed you" i say and he smiles more "ive been good but now that im here im way better i missed you so much" he says softly and my thumb rubs his cheek softly "well im just putting away some clothes " i say motioning to the pile of clothes next to me next to my bed but technically mine and evans bed since we stay the night at each others apartments

"You need some help?" He says and i nod softly and he helps me fold mine and his clothes putting some of his clothes into some drawers i let him have since we've been together and hang out a lot after we're done i put my hands over my head stretching my back groaning a bit before i turn back to evan "thank you evy" i say and he shrugs a bit "its no problem baby" he says before he gets closer putting his hands on my waist

I smile a bit and put my arms around his neck before i pull him down gently and he put his lips onto mine soft open mouthed kisses against one another's his arms wrap around my waist pulling me flesh against him i turn my head the kiss turning more and more heated and we start to walk over to technically our bed and we start to get onto the bed evan on top of me kissing me passionately before he separates our lips for a moment

"You think you're ready yet? If you arent its fine i promise" he says and i feel a blush come across my face "im ready evan" i say and he smiles softly "okay if you get uncomfortable tell me and ill stop" he says and i nod softly i reach for his shirt taking the first move and he helps me throw it over his head and onto the floor i reach for my shirt and he helps me again and we throw it to the side as well

He kisses my neck and collar bone softly and lovingly letting me take my time as i start to take off my bra shyly and instinctively go to cover myself but evan takes my hands away "you look beautiful" he says softly almost to himself and he kisses the valley of my breasts a bit before leaving small kisses on them he kisses down to my stomach making butterflies fill my stomach even more and he reaches for my waist band before looking up at me and i give him a small nod and he slides my pants off and i help him slide my undies off as well

He takes a chance to take his pants and underwear off as well leaving both of us naked for the first time well we've seen each each other change and all that but never like this i look at his beautiful body my hands grab his lower back and pull his body closer to mine gently

Our lips connect feverishly moving against one another evans hard on hitting the inside of my thigh close to where i need him most i pull away from him with pleading eyes almost clawing at his back he sits up and grabs a rubber from his pants pocket before opening the packaging and sliding the rubber on before crawling back on top of me my eyes meeting his hooded beautiful chocolate eyes "you sure?" He says and i nod frantically bitting my lip a little nervously and he reaches down guiding himself into me slowly and gently

A sharp breath comes into my mouth as i squeeze my eyes shut as he fits most of himself into me making me feel filled he gives me a moment to adjust not moving and i open my eyes after most of the pain mostly subsides "are you uncomfortable?" He asks and i shake my head "okay, you ready baby?" He asks and i nod softly "okay tell me to stop if you need to" he says and i nod a bit and he starts to move in and out of me making me claw at his back and throw my head against the pillows

He gently moves in and out slowly making sure im okay the pain subsides and pleasure starts to take over my body "is this okay?" He says and i nod frantically my mouth starting to open letting soft moans escape "faster please evan" i moan out and he complies getting a good pace that hit my spot perfectly and he reaches down finding my clit and rubbing it in circular motions i gasp moans leaving my mouth louder groans starting to leave evans mouth making me more heated "fuck evan- shit" i moan out "you're so beautiful y/n" he groans out making a whimper leave my mouth

"Fuck evan just like that" i moan out him hitting my spot perfectly making me arch my back "fuck y/n im- shit im close" he groans out into my ear finally taking his hand to rest on my hip again "me too" i whine out he moves his hips back and forth moving in and out of me pleasure starting to take over my body "evan- oh fuck" i whine loudly my back arching more pushing me against him my head against the pillows my nails clawing at his back and i finish for the first time

He follows behind finally finishing as well groaning loudly before he finally stops us breathing heavily his weight comforting for a moment before he lifts his head up and he kisses my lips softly my hands reach up to his neck and basically his face kissing him gently and lovingly he pulls away and looks into my eyes his hair sticking to his forehead from a little bit of sweat "was that okay?" He asks "okay?! Evan i cant imagine it gets any better than that" i say and he smiles a sigh of relief escaping his mouth

He pulls out of me and goes to throw away the rubber leaving me to catch my breath a bit still and he comes back with a towel and kneels on the bed "can i clean you up?" He asks and i nod and he opens my legs and i look away a small blush filling my face as he wipes cum from my thighs gently making me feel taken cared for he finishes and cleans himself up as well

I get up my legs feeling a little weird and i quickly use the restroom before i put Evan's baggy shirt on and get into bed next to evan who is now under the blanket with shorts on he pulls me insanely close to him kissing my neck teasingly making me laugh a bit from him tickling me "evan stooooppp" i laugh out and he stops tickling me and looks into my eyes his hand on my cheek "thank you, evan" i say softly almost a whisper and he smiles again "no need to thank me" he laughs a bit "im just glad we both enjoyed ourselves, and thank you for trusting me baby" he says and i lean in leaving soft passionate loving kisses against his lips which he accepts and we pull away after a bit

"I will always, always, trust you" i say and he smiles making me smile and i nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck breathing contently i close my eyes and let him pull me even closer his warmth his feel his scent just making me feel so safe and secure

I start to drift off to sleep in the persons who i truly love arms...

Im drunk asf and kinda high im lokey trippin a bit but im chillin w my friendddd so im alright but im getting tired its almost 4am helpppppp but i find this so cute omg WHENS IT MY TURN?! anyways i love you so much *mwah mwah MWAH* i hope u have a good day or whatever bye bye my looooovvvveeee

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now