Someone Who Understands (alex adult world)

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this has smut im sorryyy

I walk into the shop im working a its a porn shop but its not that bad and i have a big crush on the manager well i mean im kinda in love with him but he doesnt know so itll be my secret

i see alex behind the counter the man who i love and smile "hey alex" i say and he lifts his head up "hey" he says i walk behind the counter kissing his cheek quickly thats always a thing ive done since the first day when i was walking to my car after throwing the trash with him and i kissed his cheek 

he smiles and i move grabbing a cloth starting to do the stuff i need to do and i bend down wiping the display case as alex walk away to put some magazines up i finish wiping the case and grab a broom sweeping the floor and alex comes over to me "come on let me do it" he says trying to take the broom

"no alex you already did a lot" i say holding the broom in one hand away from him "thank you though" i say winking at him flashing him a smile and he walks away rubbing the back of his neck

i finish sweeping and me and alex help people and before we know it mine and his shift is over i turn to alex "finally the shifts done but i kinda wanna stay and hang out with you" i say half joking "then wanna come over to mine?" he asks shrugging his shoulders a bit turning to me "yeah totally" i say a little flushed "well lets go" he says grabbing his bag and i grab mine

we walk out the shop locking it up before walking to his car and he gets opens the door for me and i smile sweetly at him before getting in and he goes around the car getting in turning on the car and driving off

he starts driving to his place while songs play faintly on the radio and i look forward seeing alex glance at me every so often from the corner of my eye and we pull into a apartment complex and he turns off the car running over to my side and just as im about to open the door he opens the door for me and i smile before getting out and following alex into his apartment and he opens the door

"well this is my place not much but it does the trick you want some water?" he asks turning to me and i nod looking at all his paintings that he has on his wall "omg you did this?" i ask "yeah their not good but its a hobby ya'know" he says from afar i walk to a folder and open it up seeing drawings of me and they are the most beautiful things ever every time ive thought i was ugly his drawings make me look so pretty. Is this how he sees me?

he walks over and sets the water down looking at what im looking at "oh no thats so embarrassing" he says and i smile "their beautiful" i say softly admiring them "i thought you would think its creepy" he says looking at me i shake my head smiling a little more "i love them" i say looking at him for a second as he looks at me studding me and i set down the drawings back into the folder when i feel lips on mine 

im taken back when i realize their alex's and i kiss back passionately and after a minute i start taking his jacket off and he helps me throwing it to the side before taking his shirt off throwing it to the side with his jacket his bare chest against my clothed body i pull him closer and he grabs my waist pulling me into him and we fall back onto the bed and we kiss sweetly and passionately and he smiles before separating our lips "what your not gonna take your clothes off?" he asks making me laugh a bit "fine" i say as i help him take off my jacket and shirt throwing it off to the side

his hand rubs my thighs up and down through my jeans as i grab the back of his neck kissing him more before he kisses my neck sweetly and my chest a bit and my fingers run through his hair i grab at his waist band and he smiles a bit before helping me take off his pants throwing them off to the side and he unbuttons my pants taking them off my legs kissing me again lovingly 

i take a moment before decide telling him i push his chest softly and he backs up a bit not kissing me any more confused "whats wrong" he asks "its just- ive never done this before" i say the last part coming out my mouth more softly "thats okay if you wanna stop we can" he says "no i want to i mean i really really want to" i say and he smiles again sweetly making me smile "then ill be gentle okay?" he says and i nod before he kisses me again sweetly 

he rubs my bare thighs softly his cold hands making butterflies flutter in my stomach he grabs my undies pulling them down my legs and i take a deep breath before sliding off my bra and he takes off his underwear and grabs a rubber from his drawer putting it on and i spread my legs before getting more comfortable "this okay? you sure?" he asks lovingly and i smile a bit "yeah" i say nodding 

he lines up with me and pushes into me slowly and gently i breathe in sharply as he takes a moment letting me adjust and my eyes open after a moment "you okay?" he asks and i nod "keep going" i say and he nods softly before moving his hips back and forth in and out of me a soft whimper leaves my mouth and he kisses my neck softly a couple times

my legs wrap around his waist as his thrusts become more consistent and soft groans leave his mouth while whimpers and soft moans leave my mouth as his hips move back and forth gently but at a good pace and his hands roam my body i throw my head back a knot in my stomach forming and becoming more heated and i grab his shoulders more harshly throwing my head back my moans becoming a little more loud and his thrusts becoming a little more sloppy before i release onto him "alex" i breathe out "y/n" he groans out a bit as he releases too

we catch our breath for a moment and i look at him into his eyes before smiling and he smiles too and we laugh a bit "you did so good im glad you trusted me enough" he says and i play with his hair a bit "i will always trust you to do anything with you" i say before kissing him gently he pulls out of me and throws away the rubber pulling me with him as we lay on the bed next to each other and i lay my head on his chest blankets wrapped around us 

"i- i love you alex" i say softly hoping he doesnt hear incase he doesnt feel the same "i love you too" he says and i smile lifting my head up to look at him seeing hes smiling too and i kiss him softly the kiss filled with love before laying my head down closing my eyes wrapping my arms around alex and he does the same and i fall asleep in the man who i loves arms


this is so adorable for some reason man anyways im really tired for some reason right now i love you so much *mwah mwah mwah* bye my love

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