Gas Station (peter maximoff)

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I walk into the gas station that i work at its boring theres nothing to do but just sit there all shift but i need the money so i guess imma have to endure it

I walk behind the counter setting my bag down in a cubby and walk over to some boxes filled with chips and candy and all that i pick one up carefully before i hear the bell ring i turn towards the door "welcome" i say and look confused when i realize no ones there i guess im losing it i walk over to an isle about to set the box down when something almost makes me fall it was quick almost like wind but theres no wind in here that thats strong

"Hello?" I say maybe its a ghost i mean i believe in ghost but why the hell is there one here? "Hey show urself asshole" i say loudly trying to seem more intimidating "uh okay" i hear a voice say the ghost just talked to me i whip around quickly to be met by not a ghost but a really attractive guy "uh hi im sorry i think im hallucinating" i say giving a awkward smile

I admire his features his silver jacket his handsome face his black shirt and pants and a pair of goggles on his head and his silver hair theres no way thats real

He smiles a bit his dimples showing making my knees a little weak "nope just me messin with you" he says and i look at him confused "what do you mean" i ask the boy "well im just really fast" he says before i know it a flash goes in front of me and the boxes are empty all the food in their place

"What- how did you-" i say before it clicks hes a mutant "mutant" i say and he nods standing there proudly "god you asshole" i say hitting him kinda hard "i thought i was gonna go to a mental ward" i say and he laughs before he pulls out a twinkie from the shelf and starts to eat it "why exactly are you eating that without paying?" I ask "well i just unloaded all those boxes and usually its another person whos in here when im stealing from this place so i think i deserve a twinkie" he says before he takes a bite

I shrug my shoulders "as long as you actually are nice and help around here and there ill let you eat as many twinkies as you would like" i say and his face lights up "alright" he says and i nod sticking my hand out which he takes shaking it his warm hand engulfing mine

I pull my hand back nervously "uhm do whatever you want i need to do some other work around here" i say beginning to walk away "well can i help? I dont wanna be stuck at home and i dont really have anyone to talk too" he says and i turn around smiling slightly before i nod and he excitedly rushes after me and we get some more boxes and he helps put them away and he even helped me wipe down the counters and sweep and mop

I turn to the silver headed boy "thanks for all the help" i say "yeah no problem, the names peter" he says and i nod "y/n" i say and he nods as well "pretty name" he says and a blush fills my face "thanks" i say "well its the end of my shift" i say and he nods understandingly "same time tomorrow?" He asks and i nod smiling "bye peter" i say and he nods before he watches me get into my car and drive away and he speeds away to his house

Its been a cycle now that peters been at my job for maybe 2 weeks now and its finally time for my shift and for some reason im actually excited ive never been excited for this job who am i kidding its because of peter god hes so cute his hair his smile his jokes i just want him all to myself i just wanna cover him with kisses

I drive to the gas station and walk in setting my stuff in the cubby again and i hear the bell ring i quickly look up and see no one i smile before i go to the isles slowly walking through them before i feel something run past me and i turn around quickly but no ones there i keep walking when i feel someone playfully push me i laugh and look around more and eventually peter appears behind me

"Boo!" He says grabbing me which makes me scream and push him before we burst out laughing i go up to him and push him harder "asshole" i say smiling he pushes me back playfully and i push him back before we both are trying to push each other both of our weight on each other if one of us was to let go and walk away the other person would fall forward

I start playfully flinging my hands at him like a 'cat fight' and he does the same both of our hands just hitting each other like kids making me laugh more before i accidentally hit his face i gasp and he stands there shocked for a moment i laugh a bit "peter im so sorry" i say a smile still on my face and i lead him over to behind the counter and sit him down still smiling

I turn his head looking to see if theres a accidental mark "awe poor baby" i say teasingly and he rolls his eyes smiling still i lean down and place a kiss on his head before another on his cheek and before i know it i have his head in my hands his hands gently holding onto my wrists as i kiss his face over and over

I kiss his nose his head his cheeks as well i pull away still holding his head "you okay now?" I say a smile starting to appear back onto my face and he nods softly smiling a bit as well our smiles start to disappear before we both lean in and our lips connect him holding my wrists still my hands holding his head as we kiss each other lovingly turning our heads as well this has to be a dream

We finally pull away and i smile slightly at him a blush on my face making him smile as well "well" i say "yeah" he says "at least gou're a good kisser tho" i say and he smiles more "thanks you are too, does that mean i can kiss you again?" He asks and i nod frantically before we kiss again his plump lips my now new addiction

God hes so adorable...

This is actually really adorable to me like omggg and also my brothers gf is gonna come over and we finna smoke with her but my brothers kinda bitch cs i payed for like more than half of the price for the cart that me and him are supposed to share and he fell asleep when i got home then i got a little high from him after he woke up and then he literally smoked with his friend so annoying but anyways i love you *mwah mwah mwah* byyyeee myy loovvveee

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