How Much You Love Me (james patrick march smut)

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This was requested by someone on tumblr and i decided to post it on here

I lay in bed waiting for james, hes killing right now and i want him so bad in all the ways you could imagine i want to feel his hands trail down the curve of my spine and down my body i want his lips on mine i want his touch his feel just anything. Hes been busy recently with killing and hotel stuff and im always just left talking with liz at the bar or im just wondering around half of the time

Honestly im lucky if i even see james sometime during the day or even late at night when i should be long gone asleep when i do see him late at night which is rare he lays down with me and lures me to sleep despite my protests rubbing my back gently or something making my eyes drop and i fall asleep but not today i actually took a nap today so im pretty energetic right now its about 3am almost 4 and thats when i hear the door start to creak open

I wait eagerly on the bed when i see james come into view a surprised look on his face "darling, what are you doing up" he asks blood drops on his face "i couldnt sleep, i have a lot on my mind and i missed you" i say softly and his gaze softens a bit "ive been busy my dear, im sincerely sorry" he says as he makes his way over to me slowly "its okay james" i say

"are you mad at me dear?" He asks confused and i shrug my shoulders a bit and he sits down next to me "im sorry ive been so busy my little hummingbird, what can i do to make it up to you" he asks and i reach hand up to his cheek wiping most of the blood on his face "how about, you show me how much you love me" i say moving my hand away from his face smudging the blood away "how would you like me to do that dear?" He asks getting closer my breath hitching a bit "touch me, make love to me, hold me, anything james please" i practically beg "i missed you so much, i feel like you have no time for me" i basically whisper softly "my love i will always have time for you, you should've told me sooner" he says and my hands reach out to rest on his shoulders "do anything please" i beg again and lust fills his eyes

I lean in leaving desperate kisses against his lips which he immediately accepts kissing me back firmly he starts to lay me on the bed making butterflies fill my stomach as things get more heated he pulls away and pulls out a sharp knife from his pocket it glistening under the lamp light he lets his trail down my collar bone teasingly making my breath hitch he snips my shirt cutting it down the middle making a pool form between my legs he pulls my shirt off me and throws it to the side (dont worry the shirt is one of his wife beaters)(or a bad shirt you dont care abt)

He starts to unbutton my pants before sliding them off he grabs the knife again and lets the cold sharp metal glide down my thighs not cutting me he slices the waist band of each side of my panties almost cutting them in half a small uncontrollable whine leaves my mouth and he throws my undies to the side as well he starts to undress and i take off the rest of my clothes which is literally just my bra he hovers back on top of me before he places firm kisses against my lips

My hands start to reach up to his shoulders before wrapping around his neck pulling him down his now almost completely naked body besides his underwear and his wife beater undershirt but me completely undressed under him he pulls his underwear down letting his hard on spring out he glides himself up and down my folds making my body shiver before he starts to enter me making a whimper leave my mouth

He starts to rock his hips back and forth a little roughly making noises leave my mouth as he slides in and out of me my nails dig into his shoulders his hand lets the blade glide down the valley of my breasts the blade slightly scratching me the coldness as well making a whimper leave my mouth as he glides it against the sensitive skin of my stomach me panting heavily

"james, please" i practically whine the knot in my stomach becoming more and more intense but i hold off as he groans loudly throwing his head back before looking down at me again "please what darling" he asks "please james let me cum, please james" i beg pathetic tears almost filling my eyes the feeling starting to overwhelm me "let go darling" he says and i feel myself clench around him arching my back breathing heavily loud moans leave my mouth my head thrown back against the pillows as i finish all over him

He still rocks his hips back and forth and after a few rough thrusts he finally finishes groaning raspily he pulls out of me my tired body too lazy to move breathing heavily as he goes to grab a small towel and comes back my legs still in the same position and he starts to wipe the cum from between my thighs and i close my eyes enjoying the feeling of him taking care of me he grabs the blanket and throws it on top of my body before getting into the bed as well pulling me close to him wrapping his arm around me and i lay my head lazily against his chest

"do you forgive me now darling?" He asks and a smile finds its way onto my face and i look up at him and nod softly "yeah, you really showed me how much you love me" i say as he looks down at me looking into my eyes "the knife was also a good touch" i add a small smile of delight makes its way onto james face "im glad you enjoyed it my dear, i know i did, now go to bed im not leaving like that anymore" he says and i lay my head back down onto his chest his thumb rubbing my bare hip softly almost comfortingly like as to remind me hes still there and isnt leaving

I let my droopy eyes close and i feel my body starting to become more and more relaxed and before i know it for the first time in a long time that i could remember im back in james arms after a fun night falling asleep happy...

Someone requested this on tumblr and i just had to post it on here cs its so good to me i actually love this james smut so fucking much i wanna like scream (minus the s?) Anywayyyyyyy lmaoooo im proud of myself on this one and im a little tired and i dont wanna go to school tomorrow but oh well good night i love you so so so much *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love

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