The Corner Store Boy (part 2)

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Its a day later and tonight im going out with charles to dance i guess and im actually pretty excited and charles was sweet enough to tell his dads friend to pick me up

I get into the car in the back and smile at charles whos sitting next to me with a country hat i give him a sweet kiss on the cheek and we start driving to the place

We finally arrive and we walk in and meet some of charles dads friends very enthusiastic we all go in while they talk and me and charles order a coke while they order their drinks and before we know it a slow song comes on and they go into pairs and dance with each other and i turn to charles "come on" he looks at me confused "what" he says "come on dance with me charles" i say standing up "i dont know how to dance i cant dance" he says looking down at his leg "then imma teach you" i say pulling the hat off him setting it on the table as me and him walk to the floor

"Here" i say grabbing his hands putting them on my waist before i grab his shoulders and i sway us a bit side to side "see you're doing it charles" i say smiling at him as he looks down at me my arms wrap around his neck before i move them to his cheeks running my thumb across his lips slightly looking at his plump lips and his eyes before i lean in

I lean in making charles lean in and our lips fit together the kiss is sweet and passionate as i move my lips against his before i pull away our lips still close together a smile on my lips and i lay my head on his shoulder and we dance more my arms wrapped around his neck

We dance till the song is over and they drive me home and i turn to charles giving him a sweet quick kiss on the lips before flashing him a smile "see you tomorrow angel" i say hearing his dads friend call him that in which he smiles "bye y/n" i walk into my house and go to my room laying in bed falling asleep thinking of charles lips on mine

After school and talking to charles during lunch and here and there we walk down our path in each others presence before i turn to charles giving him a quick kiss and i walk home waiting till its night time

Its finally night and i walk to the station walking into the corner store "hi angel" i say and his face lights up looking at me and i see a paper infront of him "whats that" i say pulling the paper from him "really nothing" he says slyly "your doing the photographer contest?"

He nods his head "i was thinking about it" i smile at him "what are you gonna take pictures of" he looks down before meeting my eyes again "i would do the california lighthouses but i dont have a ride so i dont know it was just a thought"

"What if i take you" i say looking at him "oh no thats okay i wasnt referring to you taking me at all" he says and i smile "i know but i wanna take you angel i owe you after those free coffees" i say causing him to smile "i know the direction to your house but what road and stuff" i say turning my head "forest road the last house on the left" he says i nod my head "okay ill pick you up in the morning is 11 okay?" I say and he smiles

I get my coffee and gum giving charles a dollar before leaning over the counter putting a sweet kiss to his lips before leaning back "bye angel" i say and smile at him and he waves at me a smile on his face and i walk out going home god im so excited

The next morning i drive down forest road to the last house on the left and see charles come out of the house closing the door he sees me and smiles walking to my car getting into the passenger seat

"Hi angel" i say kissing his cheek and he smiles "hey" he says shyly and i start driving to the first lighthouse "you like music" i say focusing on the road glancing at the boy next to me "yeah any music really country's good my dad plays it a lot and the music at the country club" he says and i look at the boy for a second

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