God I Love You (taissa smut)

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This will have smut im so sorry forgive me man

I sit in my room and i hear the door open to mine and taissas bedroom and i look up and see taissa in the door way and i smile putting my arms out towards her and she moves over to me sitting on my lap and she looks down at me "hi baby" i say and she smiles "hi my love" she says and i grab her face kissing her softly her soft plump lips against mine

I smile into the kiss and she smiles too as she grabs the back of my head gently bringing me more towards her i lift my back off the pillow and lay her on the bed so im on top of her kissing her still

I move my lips down to kiss her jaw softly to her neck and i leave soft marks on her neck and she gently holds my head in her hands barley even gripping my head

I move down to her collar bone before grabbing her shirt pulling it over her head and our breath becomes uneven as i move her bra down taking her breast into my mouth running my tongue over it and a soft light moan leaves her mouth

I undo the back of her bra and throw it to the floor with her shirt i move down kissing her stomach lightly before licking her stomach teasingly and she tenses up a bit before i continue kissing down till i get to her jeans button i undo it and pull her pants down her soft legs throwing it off my bed

I kiss her stomach teasingly again making her pant a bit before going to her soft thighs i kiss them sweetly and teasingly as she squirms when i get close to where she needs me and i go back down i massage her thighs sweetly before moving back down to her panties

I kiss her softly through her panties and she gasps a bit before i grab the top of her pantie bands and slide them off of her showing her beautiful completely naked body i smile to myself and i kiss her thighs again her legs bent and wide open before i kiss her uncovered soft part and a soft moan leaves her mouth before my lips part and i lick her completely

She gasps a bit arching her back and i smile a bit before keeping licking her her hands grab the sheets tightly under her, her knuckles turning white god shes so beautiful she allows herself to be as vulnerable around me as i am vulnerable to her

I move my tongue up and down before sucking on her bud making her whimper and moan loudly my hand reaches up i enter a finger inside of her and she moans louder her back arching more and i move my other hand up to grab her breast and i massage it pushing her back down onto the bed

I move in and out of her "faster p-please" she whimpers out and i pick up my pace making her pant and whimper as her hand reaches up to grab a fist of my hair her other hand still gripping the sheets i suck on her bud more intensely

"God i love you" i whisper against her "Y/N" she moans out loudly as she finishes into my mouth and i lick up all the juices and i smile as her chest falls up and down with each pant and i move from between her thighs going to lay my head on the pillow moving my hand up her body as i move up to sit next to her

I face her and she smiles and i laugh lightly making her laugh softly and i grab her face kissing her sweetly and lovingly i grab the blanket pulling it onto me and her and i pull her soft naked body against my clothed body and she lays her head on my chest and breathes in deeply a couple of times "i love you you did so good baby" i coo cause after care is insanely important

She smiles "i love you too y/n" she says and i pull her closer my hand under the cover rubbing her bare side with my finger tips as my hand loves up and down and she closes her eyes gripping into me before falling asleep in my arms

I smile at the sight of her and i move her hair out of her face before closing my eyes and falling asleep with the love of my life in my arms...

Awe i wanna die because this is so cute man omg i want this so bad lmao anyways theres that i might make more idk but i love you *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love

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