Ghost poly relationship

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I moved into the 'murder house' a couple months ago and i have a crush on two ghosts who coincidentally are a couple tate and violet i think about tate and violet all the time even when im pleasing myself weird i know anyway

I want both of them no i need both of them i dont know if violet is into girls but i know tate is and i dont even know if they like me back and im scared tate is gonna think im trying to steal violet from him even though i want both of them

I sit in my room well tate and violets room when they used to live here reading a book when my music stops playing and i pause looking up "violet? Tate?" I say into the air no answer and im to lazy to get up so i keep reading when i hear the floor creak next to my door and i smile putting my book down "come on i know its one of you" i say sitting up and a smiley tate appears before he sits next to me and violet appears as well "oh both of you" i say smiling

I pause and realize how much i want to be with them and i try to shake away the feeling but they catch on "you okay?" Tate asks and i nod looking away before i lay my head onto violets shoulder and hold tates hand softly "somethings up" violet says and i lift my head up grabbing violets hand as well "its nothing" i say "come on tell us" tate says and i breathe in deeply "its just i love you guys" i say "like i want to date you guys i want to do things with you guys that only you guys can do together and i know its kinda messed up im putting you on the spot but idk" i say shrugging my shoulders waiting for a response

Violet grabs my face and kisses me softly making me shocked before tate kisses me as well and i sit there shocked not knowing what to do or what just happened "w-what" i say "we've talked about it before and we both love you too we just didnt know how you would react especially us being ghosts" tate says and i nod softly "c-can i kiss you guys again?" I ask softly and i hear them laugh a bit "yeah" violet says

I lift my head up before i grab violets face and i kiss her softly and passionately for a moment before i turn to tate and i kiss him softly as well after a moment i pull away "you guys dont know how long ive waited for that" i say and they smile a bit "i cant wait till i can do all the things that ive wanted to do or you guys wanna do and even more" i say winking a bit making them laugh and i laugh as well

Tate turns and burys his face in the crook of my neck and violet does the same and i lay down holding them both close to me our legs tangled together

Im so happy right now...

Deff 100% gonna make a smut about this in a moment but also i wanna make a imagine and a smut for quicksilver bc i love him and i might make more cooper day ones sorry for this being this short *mwah mwah mwah* i love you sm bye my love

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