I Think You're Cool (cooper day)

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I walk down the halls only 2 more periods till school finally finishes i walk past my cute hallway crush his brown fluffy curly hair just above his eyes his dark outfits making you smile just thinking about him ive known him since elementary school and hes grown a lot becoming even more hot

I consider walking up to him and talking to him im not much of a talker but me and him have a lot of the same classes and i havent talked to him even for as long as ive known him 

I take a deep breath before walking over to the boy who was at his locker "hey cooper" i say and he turns to me looking at me weirdly "uh hey" he says looking around to see if anyone was going to take pictures of him to embarrass him or something

"Do you remember when you pissed yourself and ran away in elementary school" i say blurting out giving myself a mental face palm "yeah i dont do that anymore" he says as i stand infront of him "you've grown a lot cooper" i say looking him up and down taking his sight into my eyes making a mental permanent picture

"So you like writing" i say tilting my head slightly he nods "yeah" he says looking at me curiously "where do you write" i say gaining confidence the more i talk to him he studders for a second before responding "you know that room with the bed and the clothes" he says moving his hands as he talks

"You mean your bedroom" i smile sweetly and genuinely at him this seems to of taken him back he nods "yeah thats the one" his face turns red slightly and i move close to him slowly "you should probably breathe cooper" i say backing up and watch as he takes deep breaths a slight blush staying on his face

I smile at him "this would be slightly less embarrassing if i just pissed my pants and ran away" he says smiling showing his teeth and beautiful dimples that make my knees weak

I look him up and down once more before meeting his eyes again "i really like your outfit cooper it looks really good on you you can really pull it off" i say smiling softly at the boy as he nervously nods his head and i put my hand on his shoulder

"Tell ya what ill drive you home after school m'kay?" I say smiling he nods and takes a moment to respond "yeah okay" he says and i walk away from him how the hell did i do any of that how did i talk to him without fucking pissing my pants like him in elementary school

After all the classes were over i stood infront of the school waiting patiently before i see brown curls appear from behind a small crowd of people and cooper my long time crush comes into view i smile and move my hand in a 'come on' motion and i get into the driver seat of my car and he gets in the passenger seat pulling his seatbelt on

I begin driving as he tells me where to go and we soon arrive to his house i get out of the car and grab my stuff and me and him walk into his house walking to his room and he opens the door and we set our stuff down and i look around

"So this is where all the magic happens" i say smiling to myself slightly he nods "yeah this is my garrett" he says his eyes following me "whatever that is" i say lowly and i turn to him "i read your story the short one" he looks shocked "and?" He says his eyes pleading for an answer "you are amazingly talented cooper" i say moving over to him about to get closer when his hand knocks down some music CDs he has

I bend down helping pick up the CDs reading them casually while standing up "cursey, modest, mouse ive never even heard of these bands" i say turning to him "yeah their pretty good" he says making a funny face as he talks his teeth showing making me smile more

"You're weird" i say as he puts the last of the CDs in a pile on his desk "maybe i like weird" i say no idea where this confidence came from "okay" he says awkwardly and nervously as i walked over to him

"You're cool" i say infront of him "yeah well almost everyone thinks im not cool so" he says and a slight frown sits on my face "I think you're cool" i say grabbing his necklace playing with it before focusing back on the handsome boy infront of me "uh huh" he says lowly making my legs feel like jello the way he said it "yeah" i say my hands kinda resting on his chest where his necklace laid as i looked into his eyes intensely the tension thick

He looks down and quickly moves away from me a bit easing up the tension "can i take a picture of you writing you dont have to actually write but i think you would look cute doing it" he nods and looks over at his computer "sure" he says before walking over to the computer sitting in the chair pretending to write as i pull out my camera snapping some picks

"Do you want me to do anything else" he says my thoughts becoming a little loud "no just turn around and keep writing" i say a little hesitantly to the handsome boy infront of me who makes me swoon

"Just writing as my cool self" he says to himself and pretends to write before i could control myself my thoughts got the best of me and i put my camera down going behind him kissing his neck softly his mouth opens forming an 'O' as soft groans leave his mouth as i kiss his neck his face a look of small pleasure

He closes his eyes as my hand caresses the other side of his neck im not leaving kisses on he lazily opens his eyes "this is so clearly the best day ever" he says causing me to smile against his skin before i put my lips close to his ear and whisper a small "shh" in which he nods "right" he says closing his eyes enjoying the feeling

After a minute he turns his head kissing me softly and he turns the chair so its not facing the desk and grabs my waist pulling me onto him and he goes back to kissing me his left hand moving to shut his computer and it goes to my hip moving up to wrap around me slowly still moving up and down my hip and lower back as i grab his face with my hands kissing his soft lips ive wanted for a long time now

His hands moving to my hips my lower back and sometimes my thighs while mine move to his cheek or tangling into his hair softly i hold his face closer to mine our kiss sweet and hour had passed "ive been wanting to do this for a long time coop" i say breaking the kiss only for a second giving him a nickname

He backs his head up from my kiss our lips still close together "how long" he says " since elementary" i admit going to probably regret it later "ive waited since elementary too" he says and i smile before grabbing his hair softly again kissing him softly as he grabs my waist and pulls me more forward so im more against him

His soft lips against mine is all i longed for all i needed not a worry in the world just the boy ive been crushing on for years as his hands found their way around my body getting caught in the moment i dont realize the time passing quickly before i look out the window from the corner of my eye and see its almost dark

I lean back sitting up straight still on coopers lap "what happened" he said his hands resting against my waist "its getting late" i say moving close to him again before he speaks "do you wanna be my girlfriend" he says cautiously making me smile i nod "of course coop you're the only guy i really wanna be with" i say and kiss him once more

"Why dont you just stay with me tonight you can borrow a shirt or something its friday we arent busy tomorrow" i shrug my shoulders "okay" i smile at him and he nervously smiles back i give him a quick kiss before getting off of him my legs wobbly a bit he gives me one of his shirts that smells like him and turns around i change and he changes his pants everything else comfortable enough to sleep in

He changes into pajama pants that are red and black and have small squares not normal plaid pants he gets into bed and i get in beside him wrapping my arm around his waist and i look up at him giving him a soft sweet kiss before i close my eyes his scent relaxing me as i fall asleep his arm wrapped around my waist as well my legs sore from straddling him for so long but damn was it worth it

Finally got my cooper...

Okay now this is LONG but i wanted to watch the days and found 2 episodes on YouTube for free and i had to make an imagine i couldnt stop myself but this is really cute if u watch a scene its based off this entire imagine but yeah this is really cute and its 2 am im so tired i love you *mwah mwah mwah* goodnight my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now