Eye Contact and Flustered (taissa farmigaaa)

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I decide to pick up my phone and find my crushes number my crush is taissa we met maybe coming up on a year now but i feel like i just met her the way i fumble everytime i see her is kinda hilarious

I press her number and bring the phone to my ear "hey" taissa says "hey tai" i say "whats up" she asks "well i was wondering if you wanted to maybe come over or idk" i say and wait for a answer "yeah okay, ill be over there in like 30 minutes" she says softly and excitedly her voice sending chills down my body "okay ill see you in a bit" i say and we hang up the call i decide to start picking up a bit my apartment isnt that messy just some stuff here and there

After a little while i hear a knock on the door and i excitedly rush over to open it revealing taissa i smile wide and pull her into a tight hug "hey taissa" i say my arms wrapped around her waist her arms around my neck "hi y/n" she says and we pull away

We walk into the living room and sit down on my couch i grab the remote and turn on the tv putting on a movie i know both me and taissa would both like and i lean back putting my arm around taissas shoulders instinctively

After a while of watching the movie i look down at taissa and she looks up at me "what" she says "y-you're really p-pretty" i say the look in her eyes and her smile making me stumble my words making me smack my face mentally "thanks" she says softly almost knowing of what im feeling a smile still on her face the way shes looking at me right now making butterflies fill my stomach and shes so beautiful

"N-no problem, sorry i just c-cant focus when you look at-me like that" i say "its okay" she says smiling still at me stumbling my words and i force myself to look back at the tv her eyes still on my face and i look back down at her, her eyes almost captivating "why are you stumbling your words?" She asks and i shrug a bit "you're just r-really beautiful and the way you're looking at m-me tai i j-just-" i say just stopping her smile making it onto her face again her entire look just making me want to lean down and kiss her soft lips passionately and lay her on the couch i dont know why when she looks at me sometimes the look in her eyes just...captivates me almost like i cant look away

But before i could do anything she leans in and kisses me softly taking me back but i kiss back softly "what was that for" i say to her after we pull away from the kiss ive been wanting since i met her "i just really like you y/n" she says and a smile makes its way onto my face before i lean in my hand on her cheek pulling her close as i kiss her soft lips more and more us not wanting to separate

I lay her down gently onto the couch on her back and the passionate kisses turn into a passionate make out session my hands on her waist and roaming her body a bit i flip us over so shes straddling me sitting basically on my lap but we keep kissing my hands firmly on her bare skin on her waist her shirt lifted up a bit but i dont mind and i dont think she does either

After a minute we finally pull our lips off of the other persons and i look deeply at her the same looks in her eyes again making my breath hitch and butterflies in my stomach go crazy "do you m-maybe wanna b-be my girlf-friend?" I ask nervously the look in her eyes almost like nothing ive experienced before a smile makes its way onto her face as she smiles brightly looking down at me "i thought you'd never ask" she says and a smile makes its way onto my face as well my hand reaching up to rest against her cheek gently

She leans back down letting our lips connect gently and softly almost delicately just savoring the moment she slowly pulls away a blush still on my face and making its way onto hers "oh what your flustered now?" I tease my hands reaching up to tickle her sides making her fall on her back a big smile on her face as she laughs hysterically me on my knees between her legs tickling her more and more "omg y-y/n stop" she laughs out a big smile on my face as she tries to push me away

I stop tickling her and lower myself over her looking at her beautiful eyes again my eyes flickering down to her lips "if you want to kiss me again just do it" she says and a smile appears on our faces again and i lean down letting our lips attach again her hands reach up grabbing my face gently my hand reaching down to rub her bare thigh gently since shes in shorts we pull away my hand still resting on her thigh and her hands still holding my face a smile comes back onto both of our faces

"Ive been waiting so long for this day tai" i say softly our faces close together our noses almost touching "me too i thought it would never come" she says and i lean downs once again kissing her soft lips so gently and lovingly her pulling me closer to her ive never been so happy to be kissing someone before i kiss down to her neck teasingly tickling her neck a bit making her laugh and push my head out of the crook of her neck

"Im so glad you're finally mine" i say softly a smile still on both of our faces "and im glad your mine" she says "and i just cant get enough of kissing you" i say and she laughs before i connect our lips once more

Ive never been more in love...

I love this so much im posting all my drafts basically i have a bunch more im not even close to finishing its annoying but anyways im very motivated right now and i want to clean my whole house and im listeing to my fav music but the productive feeling is starting to fade away😕 but anyways i love you soooo muuuchhh *mwah mwah mwah* bye byyyeeeee my loovveee

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now