Arguments (evan peters smut)

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i sit in the kitchen making some food for me and evan when he gets back so he isnt hungry after work ive been kind of mad at evan because hes been gone a lot and when he gets home hes tired so i never get to spend time with him and i know its his job but i miss him

i hear the door handle get unlocked and the front door opens and evan enters and walks past me getting a water bottle "hey babe" he says flat and tiredly "hey im just making you some food" i say "oh i already ate and im tired imma head to bed" he says and i look at the food in disbelief and i scoff as he starts walking away stopping in his tracks

"what" he says a little annoyed "nothing" i say sarcastically and take the food off the stove moving it to the side "come on your mad whats wrong you always act like its fine and then sta mad at me for like a whole week" he says rolling his eyes a bit

i scoff again "mkay well im tired of this evan" i say slamming a cup onto the counter that i was drinking from out of rage "tired of what" he says and i laugh sarcastically "im so tired of you treating me like shit, evan" i say and he looks as me weirdly and confused mixed with disbelief "oh okay me going to work is treating you like shit" he says and my foot taps the floor again and again

"Yes yes it is evan you never have time for me ever and when i try to do something with you or something nice you just say your tired and go to bed then leave me all over again!" i say raising my voice "im tired of you never having time for me or caring about how i feel sometimes i feel like i never even get to see my fiance anymore!" i say before putting my hand on my forehead sighing letting my hand fall

"look im sorry okay i get it and im so sorry i didnt realize ill make it up to please im sorry" he says moving closer to me grabbing my waist i pull his hands off of me pushing him a couple of times and at the last push he grabs me and i kiss him roughly

he kisses just as rough and mad and i pull him close he walks to our bedroom still kissing getting more rough he throws me onto the bed taking off his clothes throwing them all to the side and i do the same throwing them off the bed and he leans down onto me and i claw at him he reaches next to me and takes out a rubber putting it on and he kisses me roughly before slipping into my wet folds roughly before moving in and out of me harshly pounding into me 

i pull him close with my hands leaving marks on his back as moans leave my mouth and groans leave his making me more turned on as we take out our anger like this he pounds into me harder and harder before pulling out of me and flipping me over entering me again doggy style 

i moan out loudly as he harshly pounds into me harder than before and he grabs a handful of my hair pulling tightly and a loud moan almost yelling escapes my mouth as everything starts to slowly take over me "evan" i moan out loudly as he grabs my neck and pounds me fucking me senseless

"evan i think imma come" i yell "finish on me" he says groaning throwing his head back and the knot in my stomach becomes to much to handle as i finish all over evan "EVAN" i yell moaning out louder than before before evan finishes too "fuck y/n" he groans loudly as we ride our highs

he pulls out of me throwing the rubber away and grabs a towel cleaning me up im definitely gonna be sore tomorrow he cleans himself up and pulls back the covers putting me under them before getting under them too

he pulls me close to him "yknow your gonna have to find another way to not yell and communicate with me cause when we have kids i dont want us yelling at each other" he says making me smile and i nod "okay" i say softly as i lean in kissing him sweetly "im sorry for not paying attention to you ill always hold you even if im tired" he says and i smile "i love you so much evan" i say and he smiles as we get more comfortable and i lay my head on his chest

"goodnight baby" he says kissing my head and i smile softly "goodnight evy" i say and i close my eyes falling asleep in his arms...


this is so cute omg i wanna kms i want this so bad man i love stories that have rough make up shit like this man anyways i love you goodnight *mwah mwah mwah* goodnight my love

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