Sleepover (part 1 Russell Hayes)

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Me and my friends walk down the hallway at school we are gonna meet up at my house for a sleepover and im really excited

We walk past some pillars about to almost leave school finally since its the last day when i see a familiar curly headed boy on a skateboard hit the pillar next to us

Its Russell i wince imagining how much that hurt and he stands back up holding onto his backpack straps "last chance to see a picture of me in a coma" he says "you were barley in a coma" julie my friend says me knowing he went into a come because he tried a skateboard trick to impress me and it didnt turn out well...

"3 hours" he says proud making julie roll her eyes when russell notices the small invitation i made for friends that are coming to the sleep over he snatches it out of her hand "whats this you guys going to a partayy tonighhtt?" Russell says exaggerating and julie snatches it back "keep it up spongebob and you'll have 2 pictures of yourself in a coma" she says before she starts walking away and i tell her ill be right there

After they leave i turn to russell who's already looking at me with his little one sided smile making me smile "hey Russell" i say "hey" he says "why dont you give my friends a break i mean your my friend too" i say and he looks down shrugging his shoulder "its fine just be nice" i say and he looks up at me nodding and kiss him on his cheek softly making him look at me shocked

I smile "ill hang out with you later" i say walking up to hug him tightly and he shyly hugs back and i give him another sweet maybe 3-5 second kiss on his cheek "bye" i say smiling waving a bit before turning starting to walk away "bye" i hear russell say almost inaudible for some reason but i dont think anything now me and russell have been kinda friends for a couple years now and ive had the biggest crush on him since i saw him i mean i love him well how could anyone resist that cute face with those pretty curls and that crooked smile oh my god i love him damn it i really fell in deep

I walk back over to my friends and we plan to meet up at my house at 6pm so they can grab some stuff and i can make sure everythings where it needs to be and we all go home i tidy up my room a little more and set out some stuff excited for my friends to come over i fix my hair when i hear the doorbell go off i run downstairs and open the door my friend julie is here i smile and open the door more letting her in

I argue with my mom about how im not 4 anymore and how i need a lock on my door when my brother walks into my room proving my point

All my friends arrive after a bit like yancy‚ hannah‚ and farrah we rush upstairs and blast spice girls the entire time painting each others nails wearing wigs and making fried Twinkies and messing around like going on my computer and my friends put russells face on a muscular guy making me laugh and shake my head playfully

After a bit i order pizza and i hear the doorbell ring "better not be spongebob" i hear julie say making me smile slightly before i run downstairs and open the door revealing a 'cop' "so whos responsible for all the sound" the man says "your not our usual round up cop" i say "chuck had a breakdown chuck was weak this whole-" the man pauses before looking around like he heard something

"This whole zipcode is now my domain and i am hipped to you little missy got a call about excessive noise keep it down" he warns starting to walk away before he spots the coke in my hand pulling out a flashlight pointing the light at it "hello may i?" He asks before he grabs the coke out of my hand he sniffs it and puts his finger in the coke tasting it "its a coke" i say and he shushes me he drinks some swishing it around in his mouth before he spits it back in the can "its a coke" he states and i have a disgusted look on my face

"But you cant be too sure because you kids are crafty these days" he starts "yuck" i say "yeah yuck im gonna be watching you, you little-" he says and i cut him off by closing the door in his face me and my friends laugh before the doorbell rings again "what is up with this guy" i say "let me get it this time" hannah says and opens the door "staci?" I say and she walks in me and staci used to be friends until she left me because she was 'too popular'

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