Helping Hand (colin zabel)

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I sit at a bar in the town by myself drinking a beer trying to calm my nerves after this case im wrecked and some other things out of work too its just all really stressful and today i guess i decided the alcohol route

I pick up my beer drinking some "how do you do there partner, how are you" i hear a familiar voice say and i turn to see colin a stumbling colin "hey what are you doin here" i say casually "drinking, its the uh post game they have a 15 year high score unit" he says rambling some other stuff his slurring more evident the more he talks "what are you doin? What about you?" He asks leaning against the bar counter

"Just trynna drink away a bad thought" i say shrugging my shoulders a bit "let me help ya, uh bartender, sorry i wont do that again, uh can we get one more for the malady and uh ill do one of those and uh" he says pausing making a weird noise (colin is fucking hilarious bro) "ill do a shot of Jameson thank you" he says finally and i sit there letting him order

"So how was it the reunion" i say after a moment "its was uh, it was good uh, it was pretty awful my ex was there" he says and i look over at him again "almost ex wife she uh" he starts before laughing a bit "called off two weeks before the wedding but, what are you gonna do" he says and a look of sympathy fills my face "im sorry zabel thats um, sorry" i say "its okay, its like" he pauses putting his hands up shrugging his shoulders "y'know?" He says making a face

He picks up his shot and holds it up "heres to uh, being us" he says as takes the shot making me take a sip of my beer "i still uh, idk what happened" he says breaking the silence after a moment "i woke up one morning and she goes nope, not in love with you anymore, okay" he says before he starts laughing "let me just, put my bagel down" he says making a joke "ykow what i mean?" He says sniffing before rubbing his eyes a bit "im uh, gettin to that age right? Forgive me but, I'm getting to that age where I'm starting to look at my life and I'm going well heres what i thought i would be and, heres what it actually is" he says looking around slurring still

"Am i making any fuckin sense?" He asks a confused look on his face almost frustration "no, i always imagined id be a cop so i didnt expect life around me to fall apart so spectacularly" i say wiping my nose a bit with my hand out of stress

"Zabe" someone says "zabbbee" another says making me look up and i see some guys talking to colin from across the bar "fuck yesss" colin says drunkly (what does bro even say in this part lmao) "sorry, sorry" he says tapping my arm as i clear my throat "go on, go back with your friends" i say taking a sip of my beer once again and he sighs

"Idk if i wanna go back with them" he says and i look at him surprised is he actually being serious? Nah hes just drunk "i think i might just stay here with you" he says and my heart races fast drunk colin out here makin me blush n shit i look over at him to see him smiling biting his bottom lip like a little kid making my knees weak good thing im sitting down

I laugh softly to myself a bit and colin looks around again his smile fading "hey i talk you out that bad thought?" He asks and i nod "yeah" i say "yeah?" He asks and i fidget with my beer "yeah thanks" i say flashing a small smile "thank god" he says before he stands up "welp to us" he says as he stumbles (idk what he says half the time help) "bye" he says "bye" i say back softly and he walks over to his friends i sit there and finish off my beer before grabbing another taking another swig

I sigh and set my head on the table for a moment before sitting back up alone with my thoughts i end up finishing another maybe 2 beers before i decide its time to hit the road i stand up and grab my keys and phone starting to walk over to the front door where colin is and i start to walk past him

"Bye zabel" i say and he stops me still slurring "i wanted to stay with you y'know?" He asks and i look up at him "well then you should've if you wanted" i say and he shrugs "your friends gonna take you home?" I ask and he shrugs again "yeah unless i get stuck back here and i end up maybe walkin home" he says and i furrow my eyebrows "i can take you back to your house" i say and his face lights up "okay" he says and i nod before he pays for his drinks and we head out to my car

We get into my car and he lays his head against the door closing his eyes "you okay over there zabe?" I say giving him the same nickname and he smiles a bit "im just tired" he says "how about i take you to my place hm?" I ask and he looks over at me and nods and i start driving to my apartment

We pull up and i walk over to colin holding onto his arm in case and we head up to my door i unlock it and throw my stuff onto the counter colin sits down on the couch and i grab a glass of water setting it on the table in my living room along with some painkillers i grab a blanket and put it on top of him crouching down taking off his shoes as he watches me hazily

I stand up and am about to walk away when he grabs my wrist gently "i wanna stay with you now" he says and i look back at his pleading eyes "fine come on lets go to my room" i say putting my hand on his cheek softly (have u seen in pose when that girl stan likes or whatever like puts her hand on his face and then walks away his puppy eyes and his face squishing a bit is so cute) before grabbing the water and pills and he grabs the blanket following me i take off my shoes and sigh turning off the light and closing the door before getting under my blankets colin does the same

Colin faces me and closes his droopy eyes a bit my hand reaches up and moves some of his hair out of his face gently making his eyes open again and look at me hazily once again he drapes his arm across me making my heart race colin is actually in my house drunk and enjoying being in my presence?

He lays his head on my arm going closer to me which i accept finally letting him wrap his arms around me and i wrap mine around his holding his warm body close he closes his eyes and smiles to himself a bit "y'know" he starts before sniffing a bit "ive always liked you, idk what it is ur just so sweet to me no ones been sweet to me in a while so i guess i just kinda, got attached to you" he says wait he likes me like that as well? Theres no way

I look down at him he looks up opening his eyes again he leans in placing some soft kisses against my lips i kiss back gently before i snap back into reality "lets talk when your sober" i say pulling back and he clears his throat "well if i wasnt sober 5 seconds ago i sure am now" he says before he pulls me close to him again and i lay my head on his chest listening to his kinda fast heart beat before i start drifting off to sleep

I guess he does like me...

This is actually really cute its fuckin almost 1:30 am and im tired i fucked up my sleeping schedule and im gonna get really high tomorrow soo yeah i get a lot of motivation when im high so u guys might get more updates in the future and i have state testing tomorrow as well so when i get home ik imma be stressed but getting high calms me down and i love this imagine so much colin is like really funny and hes really adorable and i love him with my whole heart i also love you with my whole heart *mwah mwah mwah* goodnight my love

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