Promise? (evan peters)

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I finally got comic con tickets to see evan fucking peters and ive never been more excited in my life i actually started crying when i got the tickets ive loved evan for so long and now that im finally going to be able to see him?! Literally dead on the floor. (My actual reaction if i ever meet him)

I start heading that way excited butterflies in my stomach going crazy i pull up and find parking which was pretty hard considering how many people are gonna be here i get out of my car and grab my phone and stuff i need before starting to head inside of the comic con building anxiety and anticipation filling my stomach as i walk into the building i pull out my phone and look at where i need to go

I see a lot of cosplayers with fucking awesome outfits i walk more down the halls i guess i could call them and i see im almost where i need to be i see someone being almost bombarded with questions from a surprisingly small group of people i try and look over them only noticing a almost familiar head of hair. Weird.

I see the person making their way past the group and start heading almost in my direction and thats when i see them. Him. Its evan fucking peters. My stomach drops nervousness filling my body as he makes it my way "hey evan" i stumble out loud enough for him to hear with a small wave as he gets closer "oh hey uh sorry im kinda busy right now but i promise ill get you a picture" he says my head turns to the side a bit "oh evan dont worry I don't want you to feel you owe me a picture its fine really" i say fidgeting with my fingers

"Oh come on, i promise ill get you that pic whats your name?" he says "uhm y/n" i say my breath catching up a bit evan peters just asked me my name "i swear y/n ill get you that pic" he says as he starts walking away people following, he probably says that to everyone, and he heads in the direction im supposed to go to so i follow the group of people making sure not to get close to them or something and we make it to the q and a room with a stage and i lot of chairs lined up i find my assigned seat and sit down lots of people filling the rest of the seats

My leg bounces anxiously around this many people and i watch as a guy picks up a mic and starts talking before yelling "evan peters!" And evan starts to walk out onto the stage doing a silly dance making me relax almost, he sits down at his assigned chair and grabs the mic pulling it closer to himself "hello everybody!" He yells and the croud goes wild a bright smile on his face and thats when everyone starts standing up to ask questions i would ask questions but im way too nervous that's my biggest insecurity

People ask many questions some about american horror story other about quicksilver and lots of his other movies and shows even ones im surprised people even know and evan always replies to them with much energy always cracking jokes or breaking out into song making me even laugh i mean who cant?

After almost 2 hours we finally get to the last question and the girl goes up to the mic getting ready to ask a question when evan stops her "wait, is there someone here a y/n here?" He asks and my eyes go wide "y/n here? Hello y/n?" He asks and my hand goes up evan not being able to see me "there was a girl who wanted a picture and i promised to give her one, y/n?" He says and people around me start to yell for his attention to be on me he finally looks in my direction and a smile makes its way onto his face "there she is!" He says pointing at me

I wave shyly everyone cheering around me "i promised to get you that picture after we're done come on back here" he says and i nod my head putting a thumbs up and everyone cheers again loudly and i sit back in my chair people around me cheering me on making me smile more

After the girl says her question and evan answers everyone starts to leave the room but evan grabs the mic "y/n please start making your way to the stage" he says and walks away from the mic and i shuffle through people to the stage where a guy is security maybe and he sees me and lets me go onto the stage another person leads me backstage where evan is "y/n! Oh i promised i would get you that picture i swear to my word" he says pointing a finger at me playfully a smile still on my face "thank you evan you're so sweet" i say as i start to pull my phone out and one of the guards takes my phone evan wraps his arms tightly around me smiling brightly into the camera and i do the same my arms wrapped around his torso

After the guard takes a couple pictures i take my phone back and turn to evan "thank you so much again evan you have no idea how much this means to me" i say and he shrugs his shoulders "who can turn down a pretty girl like you huh?" He says and a blush makes its way onto my face after a moment and evan looking like hes almost hesitanting he finally talks again "look uh, this is gonna sound weird but i think you're really beautiful and i would love it if you maybe gave me your number? Its fine if you dont want to like you said dont feel like you have to owe me your number" he says butterflies in my stomach messing up again

"Yeah no problem" i say and he hands me his phone and i put my number in with a little heart next to it he takes his phone back observing the contact a smile on his face "thanks can i take you out sometime?" He asks and i nod frantically the blush on my cheeks more noticeable this time and a wide smile on his face somehow gets wider "ill text you later" he says "you promise?" I ask


This is so cute omfggg i actually love this so much i saw a video of evan calling a girl out for a pic cs he promised her one and he ended up finding her it was the fucking cutest thing ever but anyways happy mothers day *mwah mwah mwah* i love you so much bye bye my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now