Smoke Kisses (part 2)

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This has smuuuuttt

Me and clay have been seeing each other everyday after work to make out or even vape together or do the smoke kisses or even play games together on the computer and drink soda and eat chips and joke around and zoe has noticed the hickeys on my neck but i just say i burned myself she must think i burn myself on accident a lot...

I have the biggest crush on him now or i love him i mean i even have dreams about him and i cant get him out my damn mind even during work i think about him and ill accidentally type his name instead of what i was supposed to be writing im in it deep

I sit in the lab during work when zoe calls us in and she talks about her boring stuff like usual when i see clay taking hits making me smile "clay what did i say about smoking in the lab" zoe says looking dead in the face at clay "uh thats its awesome" clay says making me smile more and i slap him on his shoulder and he grabs it looking at me "ow" he says playfully before smiling at me and after a minute turns back around to see zoe, frank, eva, and niko looking at us weird

Damn they didnt know we were 'friends' after zoe does her lecture we go back to our desks and do our work and before i know it work is over zoe and frank and all of them say their goodbyes and i walk over to clay before saying bye since me and clay pretend one of us left but just go to the restroom and the other person stays in the lab and then we hang out after everyone left

Me and clay meet up again in the lab and smile at each other before i walk up to him putting my arms around his neck and he wraps his strong veiny arms around my waist pulling me closer and i kiss him softly for a minute his lips against mine giving me butterflies still even after we've made out multiple times

Clay walks backwards and we start laying on the couch him on top of me his hand rubs my thigh through my jeans occasionally landing on my ass i pull his body closer to me before i go under his shirt with my hands rubbing his bare skin with my cold hands making him groan softly against my lips before he quickly sits up and his hands reach for my pants he undoes them before looking at me while he slides his hand into my pants im a little shocked since we've never done anything like this crazy but im not complaining

He rubs me though my panties making soft light moans leave my mouth before he kisses me again softly and he lifts his hand up before going past my undies and he slowly slides a finger inside of me "clay" i breathe out throwing my head back onto the couch before he moves in and out of me making me squeeze my eyes shut

I grab his wrist of the arm that giving me pleasure tighly my other hand grabs his shirt tightly pulling on it a bit as i push my face more into his neck breathing and panting heavily moans leaving my mouth a bit as he keeps moving his fingers in and out of me making me want to squeeze my thighs together

I move more onto his hand making him move more in and out at a different pace making me moan more "clay" i whimper softly "yes?" He asks as i pant "i think im gonna finish" i breathe out "then finish baby" he says the nickname that hes never called me sending me over the edge

I grab onto his arm tighter as i finish onto his fingers as he helps me ride out my high and moans leave my mouth and i use one of my hands putting it over my mouth as whimpers and moans leave my mouth after i calm down clay takes his fingers out before putting them in his mouth and he finally washes his hands quickly before coming over to me and i button my pants back up pulling the zipper up

He sits next to me and i sit up sitting close to him laying my head on his shoulder and he grabs my thigh rubbing it softly and i cling into his arm rubbing it softly with my fingertips

"I need to talk to you" clay says and i lift my head up turning to look at him "whats wrong" i say before i play with his hair softly and he hesitates "uhm well im just gonna be straight forward" he says and i nod "i love you and i have feelings for you and i want you to be mine but if you dont feel the same then thats fine and i understa-" i cut clay off by kissing him softly and lovingly "i love you too and i want to be yours" i say and he smiles softly before kissing me again

The kiss is soft and passionate and full of love making me smile i finally pull away and look around the lab "not really the place i would imagine i would moan your name for the first time but its good enough" i say making clay laugh and i laugh as well

"I might start heading home now" i say and he nods "ill walk you to your car" he says and i nod standing up my legs a little wobbly and he smiles a bit grabbing onto me and after i gain my balance i grab my stuff clay helps me gather my things and i grab his hand before we start walking out of the building our fingers intertwined together

We head into the parking lot and i guide him to my car before i unlock it and set my bag inside of the car and i turn back to clay before i smile slightly and i get close to him before i wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a sweet kiss holding him close

I lean back before giving him another quick kiss and i get closer to my car "ill see you later" i say and he gives me a quick wink and i get into my car blowing him a kiss and i drive away

I finally have him...

Im with my friend and her mom at a hotel sooo yeah imma make the last part later maybe so yeah i love u so so so much *mwah mwah mwah* bye my love mwaaahhh

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now