Hard Time (evan)

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I know its tate crying but bare with me hm?

Evan has been filming a new show and hes been really distant lately and i just want to know if i was maybe something i did or idk

The door jingles and unlocks and it opens and i see evan walking into the house and i stand up im finally gonna ask whats wrong "evan?" I say and he looks at me "hey" he says blandly god i already wanna kill myself "i need to talk to you" i say and he just kinda ignores me "im not really in the mood y/n" he says making me look down

"Look im sorry im just really stressed out and stuff this show" he says and i just nod tears stinging my eyes before walking back to the couch sitting down and going on my phone a tear falls down my cheek and i wipe it quickly before i hear our bedroom door close i sniff trying to not let the tears get out of control

No im fucking tired of this i eat my food quickly before barging into mine and evans room anger and sadness on my face as i look at him on the bed sniffling softly and my face softens "evan?" I say softly and he stays turned away from me and i get into the bed facing him "baby whats wrong?" I ask softly and a sob leaves his mouth "im so sorry" he says and i shake my head

I grab his face wiping his tears with my thumb " no no whats wrong baby its okay" i coo and he looks at me tears falling down his face "ive been s-so depressed from the show and i just- i keep ignoring you and i cant control my feelings and i dont know what to do" evan sobs and i feel tears sting my eyes again "if you want to l-leave me i understand im so sorry" he says and i shake my head "i will never leave you evan its okay after this show you can take a small break or get a normal movie or something" i say and he nods softly before tears fall down my face

"Oh baby" evan says as he grabs my face as well wiping the tears before he sits me and him more up his strong arms grabbing my waist and arm before he engulfs me into a tight hug sobs filling the room from both of us "i love you so much" evan sobs "i love you too I don't want to l-lose you" i sob more and he pulls me tighter as my arms around his neck pull him closer his arms around my waist no room between out bodies

"You will never ever lose me" he says "i would hate myself too much" he says and i kiss his neck softly a couple times lovingly "just try and communicate with me so we can get your mind back to normal" i say and i feel him nod "okay" he says and i lean back looking at him in his eyes before i lean in kissing his soft plump lips god i miss kissing him its been a while

I grab the back of his neck as i kiss him deeper and he holds me tighter his soft lips working with mine making me feel whole again i pull away and smile slightly at him "i missed kissing you so much" he says taking the words out of my mouth and i kiss him again his big hands finally holding me again i lean back and pull him with me as i lay on the bed

We pull each other close to each other noses almost touching out warmth becoming one and i kiss his soft lips one last time making sure it lasts extra long before i pull away "i love you" evan says and i smile a bit "i love you too" i say and close my eyes falling asleep in my handsome boyfriends arms for the first time in a while...

I know this is kinda short but i couldnt think of anything else to put but yeah also i cant move my fingers because i went in the ocean and its so cold anyway i love u *mwah mwah mwah* bye my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now