Sleepover (part 2)

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I finally hang up the call with my mom after arguing with her and lay down on my bed my brother comes in and lays next to me and i ask to cover for me a little longer and he agrees giving me a pep talk about how being a teenager passes fast

I meet up back with my friends and we look around for russell when i hear yancy talk "uh oh" she says worried "what uh oh" i say "i think the car needs charging" she says "what we ran out of juice and we havent even found spongebob?" I ask "calm yourself we figure out the car and you find spongebob" hannah says "why do i have to be the one to find him and get his boxers and headband" i say "are you kidding the only reason this is on the list is because of you" ferrah says "shes right this ones all you" hannah says

I know russells house is close to us and i dont know if he came back home or not i get out and right as im about to back out hannah makes me go and i go into russells yard and try and find a way inside and manage to get inside i walk into his room "russell?" I whisper out loud before i start going through his drawers and i find a pair of his boxers i rush out of the room and go out of the house when i hear a crash outside

I hop over his fence when i hear someone yelling at me and i stop in my tracks when its the patrol cop and he talks to me "havent i seen you before" he says and i shake my head "i dont think so" i say "whats your name" he asks "y/n" i say lowly "and why are you at this persons house i had a call of a suspicious person and you look suspicious" he says damn staci called "well this is my uh boyfriends house yeah and i was paying a visit" i say when he points the flashlight on the boxers in my hand "uh i can explain" i say "uh huh yeah mhm" he says "follow me" he says

As we're about to walk he stops in his tracks "what happened to the car" he says "what" i say confused "the tiny green car that hit me" he says making me smile

(Russells pov kinda not really)

Russell makes it over to my friends "did you guys already pantie raid me i guess?" He asks "yeah and now y/n got caught by the patrol tech guy since she tried to find you in ur house and around town and you weren't there" hannah says and russell looks at her "she needs a hero" hannah says and russell smiles before the patrol officer asks me for my house number

The cop calls my house and i pray my brother is the one who picked up i hear a sound below me but i dont pay attention to it and the cop gives me the phone and i sigh before putting the phone to my ear "dad?" I say "50 monthly for 6 months" my brothers says and my body fills with relief "uhm what was that dad" i ask "you have no idea how close dad to answering this phone i had to hurt myself and im wearing red pumps 50 monthly for 6 months" he says "no" i state "no?" He asks "no" i say snarky again "3" i state "your negotiating now?" He asks "thats right ill be home soon" i say hanging the phone up

The cop tells me to stay still as he looks for a card when my friends pull up with the small green car "y/n hurry get in" they yell and i chase after them but stop for a moment "what are you doing" they yell "winning" i say taking the sign off of the patrol cops car and i chase after them "lets get to the highschool" i say getting in the car

I look back and watch as the cop runs into some trash cans russell helped me by deflating the tires thats what i was hearing god i love him

As were driving we see staci and her friends at juicers and we try and speed up staci right behind us as we make it to the high school "all being equal tie breaker" stacis friend says "what share the spot" hannah says "share with you? I don't think so tie breaker winner take all" staci says scoffing "you're on" i say "first one to get the queen or kings crown at the dance wins" liz says making me open my eyes wide "staci isn't that todds car" stacis friend asks "that is todds car i thought you guys decided you were skipping the dance" julie says "staci" i say boldly and staci walks away

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