Tough Acting Days

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I sit in the set of American Horror Story i play violet since they say im really good at portraying her but in reality her trauma and her family and her is exactly like me and my trauma and family so i kinda just act normal

Its almost my time to go and do a sad scene with evan who ive loved since ive met him hes my costar but hes 8 years older than me so i would have to wait like 2 months to date him because im 17 right now and i was 16 when we first started filming but i dont mind ill wait if he'll wait

Today was a particular rough day for me ive been kinda genuinely like sad recently and i feel like i have no one so the fact that i have to film a sad scene today i might actually break down and thats one of my biggest fears since i dont like showing a lot of emotion to me it makes me weak

We get into places and i stand in 'my room' well violets room and evan stands infront of me "AND ACTION" the director yells and we start the scene it going off easy me yelling at evan or 'tate' i guess "what are you saying" he asks "im saying go away" i say tears filling my eyes even more unintentionally "what? N-no dont do this" he says a little loud "go away tate" i state firmly "you're all i want YOU'RE ALL I HAVE" He yells and thats when i start breaking "GO AWAY" I yell "NOO" evan yells "GO AWAY" i yell finishing before the director calls cut

I look around at the ground tears filling my eyes before i run to the restroom leaving a confused evan and some directors behind i breathe heavily as sobs break through my mouth as i stand in the restroom trying to calm myself down damn it quit acting like a little bitch

I hear knocks on the door and i wipe my face getting ready to open the door and run past the person "y/n?" I hear evan ask on the other side "yeah?" I say trying to sound normal but my voice slightly breaks "you okay? Open the door" he says softly and i get ready to make a run for it i open the door trying to rush past him but he just pushes me more into his chest and into the restroom "woah y/n?" He says

"Fuck" i mutter to myself as he grabs my arms softly and i look down "you okay?" He asks "im fine evan" i state looking up at the ceiling for a minute making eye contact with him on accident before i look back down "hey come here" he says dragging me to a couch we have in the set and he opens his arms and hugs me tight

Soft sobs leave my mouth as i bury my face into his chest more inhaling his sweet scent his arms wrapped around me a director walks by motioning with their hands and mouth 'whats wrong' they say no actual words said to evan 'nothing its fine' he mouths and the director puts up 2 thumbs up and walks away

"You wanna tell me whats going on" evan asks after the director left and a shaky breath leaves my mouth "nothing j-just a lot of shit you know? I just relate to this character a lot and that with more stuff my life throws at me and these sad scenes its just hard" i say softly and i feel him nod "yeah i know the feeling" he says and i hold onto him tighter

He brings his hand up to run his fingers through my hair softly "it'll all be okay just take more breaks after takes and ill be there m'kay?" He says softly to me and i nod "i really like you evan like i want to be with you, you actually make me happy and i know we cant date because you dont like me and we would have to wait because im not 18 and-" i say when i get cut off "who said i didnt like you?" He says and i shrug my shoulders

"I actually like you a lot" he says chuckling to himself "but ill wait were actually closer in age then we think so ill wait for you 2 months isnt bad" he says and i nod "alright now dont act all cheesy" i tease sitting up looking at him and he smiles i grab his hand before we head back and do more scenes lets just say after 3 months (i know it was 2) we've been dating for 4 years now and he even put a ring on it...

Now i have no idea why i made this i made myself cry while doing the ur all i want scene from ahs and thought of this and i feel like all my recent and old imagines suck ass so idk im losing my mind a lot and i actually am a lot like violet her trauma and her family and her in general is just like me thats why im so scared but i love you *mwah mwah mwah* bye my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now