My Cowboy (charles decker/safelight)

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Me and charles have been friends for about a year now and I'm in love with him but obviously he doesn't know and I don't know i just kinda wanna be with him It's almost like I'm with him we hang out all the time and sleepover at each others houses and even cuddle together we are literally never seen not together and charles invited me to a country dance club with his dads friend peg and her friends

They pick me up and we head to the club me and charles sitting next to each other in the back his hand on my knee my hand on top of his as we make our way to the club we finally pull up music playing from inside and we get out charles grabs a cowboy hat i failed to notice from the floor of the car and he puts it on his head his curly hair poking under it his button up shirt his lips his face his shoes his pants his belt his dimples that are barley visible since hes not smiling just everything making butterflies fill my stomach

"You look handsome cowboy" i say fixing the hat a bit and he smiles a little shyly and i grab his hand and we walk over to the entrance pegs friends who finally arrived peg gets us in even since we're underage but its fine cause we dont drink and the owner knows it we get in and find a table peg and her friends making jokes and talking about how they dont need men making me and charles laugh a bit

Peg and her girls walk away to dance arguing about whos gonna be the "guy" while dancing they dance to a slow song and i turn to charles taking another sip from my soda and charles looks over at me with curiosity in his eyes i stand up moving the chair from me "come on" i say and he looks confused "what" he says "lets dance" i say grabbing his hand "what? y/n, no" he says

"Uh yes" i say starting to drag him a bit "i dont even know how to dance" he says putting his arm in the air while talking before letting it fall to his side "ill teach you c'mon angel" i say and he sighs before taking his hat off and setting it onto the table before letting me guide him to the floor next to peg and her friends

I grab his hands and guide them to my waist "you put your hands there and i put my hands here" i say as i put my hands to rest on his shoulders "and now we just sway mkay?" I say softly and he nods as our bodies close together start to sway at the same time i look up at him into his eyes butterflies filling my stomach like crazy "there you go you're doing it" i say softly and he smiles looking down at me shyly his dimples more evident my eyes flickering to his lips every once in a while

His smile disappears and me and him look into each others eyes tension filling the air around us and before i know it im leaning in slowly in case he doesn't want to kiss but to my surprise he leans down as well letting our noses touch me turning my head before our lips connect in sync moving against one another the kiss is sweet and loving and patient and i swear i felt my heart stop for a moment

We slowly start to pull away and i bite the inside of my cheek nervously "do you want to be my cowgirl?" He asks shyly making my heart race "only if you're my cowboy" i say before moving to lay my head onto charles shoulder a smile on my face im trying to suppress his scent fills my nose and i see him smiling widely out the corner of my eye only making me want to smile more as we sway side to side in each others embrace not wanting to ever let go

After a while the song comes to an end and peg and her friends are starting to get ready to go me and charles walk over to the table and peg and her girls look at me and charles knowingly and i look down a blush coming over my face but i try and shrug it off i grab charles hat off the table and put it on top my head "y'know when you wear a guys cowboy hat that means you guys are together?" I ask charles and he nods softly a small smile starting to take over his face "looks like im going to be wearing this for a while" i say and he smiles more shyly grabbing my hand and we start to head out of the club

Peg and her friends say their goodbyes before smothering me and charles in hugs and kisses on the cheek and they go their separate ways heading home and me and charles start to get inside the car i take off the hat for a moment putting it on my lap my knees sticking out from under it and charles lays his hand on my knee making my stomach do flips and i set my hand back on top of his and i lay my head on his shoulder my thumb rubbing his hand gently

After a while of driving we finally make it in front of my house and i turn to charles "thank you for everything charles" i say softly "and thank you peg" i say "yup no problem" she says and i smile before taking the hat off my lap going to set it onto charles lap but he pushes it towards me before i can set it down "no its yours" he says and i smile widely before laying a soft kiss on his cheek and a quick peck on his lips making a small blush appear on his face i get out the car and put the hat on before waving to charles and peg them waving back and they wait to make sure i get inside safely

I get inside and walk to my room throwing my shoes off and i hang the hat up as a little display in my room but i can still take it down and wear it whenever i change into a more comfortable outfit and get into bed sighing deeply before bringing the blankets close to me almost cuddling with them but wishing i was cuddling with a special someone else

My cowboy....

This is sooo cuuutteee i saw a edit and they used that sound "ride cowgirl" or whatever and i was like waittt if hes a cowboy doesnt that make y/n his cowgirl and i came up with this and its the cutest thing ive ever seen i wanna collapse but it just turned 6 am rn and im honestly not tired but anyways i love you literally so much *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my loovvveee till next time mwahhhh

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