So You Really Do Love Me Huh? (max cooperman)

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Im sitting in my room in my apartment listening to music when i hear a loud banging couple knocks on the door and i hear running away and small yelling

I rush outside and see 2 guys running away down the stairs from my apartment and i go to the edge where a gate is and see them running away turning the corner so i cant see them and i see someone on the concrete sidewalk

Max. My max.

I gasp and run downstairs to max and hes knocked out bloody. No please. I hold his face turning him onto his back and i put his head onto my lap and he groans a bit waking up barley "max its okay baby you're okay hold on okay?" I say as tears fall out of my eyes and max looks up at me and i grab his hand holding it tight i call the police and wait on the line waiting for them to arrive as maxs bloody drowsy face makes me cry harder

I kiss his face and his lips a couple times softly and reassure him that hes gonna be okay "max breathe try and breathe max" i say and i hear him wheeze and he groans in pain his face looking like hes gonna cry because of a lot of pain i lift up his shirt carefully and see bruises on his ribs their broken

"Shit" i mutter and wipe my tears holding his hand tight and i hear sirens before i see blue and red light down the street "max their here you're okay ive got you" i say and the guys run over to us and i tell them what happened and they tell me to calm down how the hell can i calm down when the love of my damn life got almost beat to death

I nod at them and they take him into the ambulance "y/n" i hear him whisper in pain as he looks at me and close the door and take him away and i run to my car taking out my keys and rushing following the ambulance and they arrive at the hospital

They rush him inside and i rush inside saying his name and info and they let me in im sitting in the waiting room because they had to put stuff on him to make sure he heals fine and all that and i nervously bite my nails tears escaping my eyes softly and im quick to wipe them away

Someone comes through the door and they call my name and im quick to stand up and they tell me i can see max and they bring me back to max and i rush to max turning behind the corner "Max" i say and rush over to him kissing him softly a couple times holding his face in my hands gently careful not to hurt him he reaches his hand up and grabs my arm softly kissing me back

I separate out lips and smile slightly tears escaping my eyes more "oh baby" he says and kisses me more "you really do love me huh" he says and i laugh slightly and he smiles slightly i grab his hand and sit down on the chair beside the bed "god max im so glad you're okay i thought i was gonna lose you" i say squeezing his hand bringing it up to my face kissing it a couple times softly

"I will never leave you y/n" he says and i smile i stayed with him the entire time day and night i think i got 1 hour of sleep out of maybe 48 hours i sit in the chair next to him and hes about to fall asleep before he opens his eyes and turns to me "go home and rest babe" he says and i shake my head "no im staying here max" i say and he sighs slightly "fine but when im out ur sleeping in my arms for a whole 47 hours he says and i smile at him and squeeze his hand again before he closes his eyes and falls asleep

Its finally time for him to go home the next day and they give me and him the discharge papers and me and him walk out he needed crutches but they put him in a wheelchair just to get in the car and i drive me and him to my house

I help him up the stairs and into my apartment and i help him get changed and all that and i help him onto the bed him groaning a bit as he lays down and i change and lay down next to him putting my hand over his stomach his arm under me coming up to hold me and i look up at him

"Im scared ill hurt you while ill sleep" i say and he looks down at me and i hesitate for a minute before starting to get up "ill sleep on the couch" i start and he pulls me down "dont even think about it" he says and pulls me closer to him "if you hurt me ill wake you up okay?" He says and i nod and he leans his head down kissing me softly and i kiss him back passionately i dont ever wanna lose him

"I love you" he says and i smile softly "i love you too" i say and i kiss him softly again before pulling the blanket more onto me and him and i close my eyes falling into a deep sleep his warmth and scent engulfing me after 2 days

I love him hes the love of my life...

I had this idea for some reason i thought it was really cute and stuff so i just wrote it and im glad i did cause omg i love it like actually a fucking ton man i love max so much anyways i might make more right now but i dont know anyways i love you byee

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now