Get up (cooper day)

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My eyes flutter open and i feel strong arms wrapped around me making me smile slightly and i turn around and nuzzle my face into his chest more inhaling his sweet scent i guess me moving to the guest room made him realize he has attachment issues cause now hes in the bed

He subconsciously squeezes me tighter making me smile more before i try and close my eyes to fall asleep but after a couple moments i open my eyes again before i shuffle in coopers arms turning around trying to get out of coopers arms to get up

He squeezes me to him making me sigh after a couple tries "cooper" i whisper into the air "cooper baby?" I say looking back at him "hm" he hums softly "i need to get up and im bored lets do something" i say and his face scrunches up "noo lets stay here im tired" he says whining a bit making me roll my eyes playfully i wait a moment when he relaxes before i quickly jump out of his arms catching him off guard

I turn around to face him standing tall as he stays in the bed "come on get up" i say and he just grunts "cooper if your parents go to your room and see ur not there and me and you were in the same bed in the guest room they will literally buy me a pregnancy test especially your sister" i say grabbing his hand trying to pull him out of the bed only for him to pull away and go more into the bed

"If u get up we can sleep in the same bed again later" i say and he looks up at me considering it "why i wanna stay" he says looking at me his bed head making me blush a bit "come on" i say dragging the blanket off of him showing his body curled up into a ball and he groans i open the windows and he shoves his face into the pillows

"You are the essence of evil" he says like always every time i have to wake him up "oh but i still love u and you know it" i say and walk closer to him before i kiss his lips softly he kisses back gently and i pull away but he gently pulls me back and gives me a passionate last kiss making me blush and smile especially at his shirt thats drooping off his shoulder his curly hair his piercings god

"U look really cute or hot i guess you could say right now" i say and he smiles a bit i lean down and kiss him softly getting closer to him i stand up him sitting down as we make out a bit him being too fine for me to resist

I pull back after shifting back into reality "nope come on get up" i say moving away from him "no stay please" he pleads and i walk up to him again resting my hand on his face before it goes back and i run my fingers through his soft hair with both hands and he looks back at me hazily "come on" i say leaning down pressing a kiss to his head gently in which he smiles a bit "if u get up we can make out a bit later and, we can sleep in the same bed" i say and he sighs before getting up being taller than me (if ur tall im so sorry)

He grabs my hand and we finally get up i grab my clothes i wore yesterday and look at cooper before i swing my finger around gestering for him to turn around which he does since hes such a cute handsome gentleman

I change quickly and cooper turns back around and i give him back his pajama pants and his sweater and he changes while im turned around and we go downstairs to find some of his family up in the kitchen and we sit down and eat some cereal before we end up just running around, messing around, making out, and just admiring each other the whole day...

Yeahhh anyways im bored asf im high and i needa write for my cooper story for my very beloved wife (i think their a girl if they arent im sorryyy) because they asked and they vote for all my stories and leave comments so i love them very much but anyways bye i love you *mwah mwah mwah* byeeee my lovvveeeee

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