The boy down the street

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I walk into my new house with a box in my hands i walk to my new room and put my stuff in my room sighing stretching before walking outside my house having to grab another small box but this time i see a tall boy with blond curls across the street outside his house walking a little bit before looking at me making eye contact with me

I look back at the blond boy before becoming flustered and i look away and bring my box to my room setting it down unpacking all my stuff and setting up at least my bed getting a lot done and before i know it i end up falling asleep

On my soft blanket god this sleep was so needed...

The next day i wake up and brush my teeth and all that because i dont want to sit around i want to do stuff around here so i get ready and i head outside

"Mom im going outside!" I yell into the house so she knows im gone "okay dont get lost stay safe!" I walk away and start walking down the street when i hear someone yell "hey!" I turn to my right and see the boy with blond curly hair outside his house "uhm hey!" I say looking around to see in he was looking at anyone else

Nope. Were the only ones here rn. I look at him and he smiles a perfect smile showing a perfect row of white teeth "what are you doin" he says walking over to me "just trynna find something to do" i say and he makes it all the way over to me and extends his hand out to me

"Kyle, kyle spencer" he says "y/n, y/n y/l/n" i say and grab well now i know kyles hand and i shake it "well you wanna hang out i could show u around or we could just hang out at your house cause my moms uh-m 'busy'" he says and i know hes lying about his mom idk why he would tho but i nod my head

"How about u show me around and we get back at a decent time to hang out at my house?" I say tilting my head looking up at the tall man infront of me he smiles "yeah sure" he says and we turn walking down the street to a coffee shop and he opens the door for me "ladies first" he says and bows looking up at me "thank you" i smile and walk in him following me after

"You want anything?" He says i nod "yeah but i dont have any money on me right now" i say kinda disappointed "oh its on me" he says and i look up at him "no no no i cant let u do that" i say feeling bad "hey its okay its the least i could do" he says and pulls out his wallet i order and he orders too and pays for our stuff

We wait around having small talk learning about each other before we know it our names are called for our drinks and we walk out the coffee shop and i turn to kyle and smile at him "thank you for the coffee" i say and put my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist "no problem" he says in my ear softly and i get butterflies and i move away and we start walking

After kyle is done walking around showing me stuff we start to head back to my house i unlock the door "hey mom i have a friend can i hang out with him?!" I say looking around and see my mom come around the corner and come over to me "yeah sure" she says looking at kyle and back at me god she thinks me and him are dating she smirks at me and i grab kyles hand pulling him to my room as fast as i can avoiding my mom

After we enter my room i sigh and set my coffee down on my desk and turn to kyle "what do you wanna do?" I say and he shrugs "we could watch a movie if you want" i nod my head and realize im still holding his hand i let go awkwardly and he takes off his shoes and i do too and we lay down on my bed and i turn on my tv and we watch 'grownups 2' because its funny and i lay next to kyle me and him over time getting closer and closer before i know it he has his arm wrapped around me and i have my head resting on his shoulder his scent filling my nose calming me

After a while i get tired and close my eyes "you tired?" He says and i nod looking up to kyle he gets up "imma go its late and your tired" he says and i look down sad and nod he pulls me by my waist into a hug and i smile gladly hugging him back "ill see you tomorrow, yeah?" I nod and smile before kissing him on his cheek and we hug for one more second and he walks out my room his warmth leaving my body

I lay down in my bed pulling the blankets close to me his masculine scent still on them i inhale the scent thinking about him before closing my eyes falling a sleep

I think i like him...

Idk why i made this i just wanted a pre death kyle imagine cs he was cute and was still cute after death but idk im bored i might make more imagines rn love yall *mwah mwah mwahh* bye bye my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now