Please Love Me (evan)

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I walk into my boyfriends house we don't live together but at this point we are rarely alone in our own houses

I kick off my shoes and walk into mine and evans room changing into something more comfortable before walking back out and into the kitchen evans making dinner and im so hungry

He smiles at me after i kissed his cheek and i walk away and he grabs some plates putting the food onto it before bringing it over to the living room and setting them on the coffee table and we sit on the couch watching our favorite show and i scoot close to him the food on my lap and he drapes he arm around my shoulders "thank you for the food baby" i say and he hums before kissing my head softly

I smile a bit before my mind becomes dark this happens a lot and i really cant control it if i have a bad day my entire mind makes me thing im not worth it and that i should just kms and that no one loves me

My smile drops and i finish my food quickly before putting the plate in the sing cleaning it before putting it in the dishwasher and i head into mine and evans room a frown on my face as my thoughts get more severe

I brush my teeth and get i to bed facing the wall my thoughts screaming in my head making me put my palms on my temples as whimpers leave mouth slightly and i whisper 'shut up' softly multiple times and i hear mine and evans room door open

I dont even look over i just keep looking at the ceiling "baby you okay?" I hear evan say making a tear leave my eyes "im fine" i say in a shaky voice and i hear evans steps get closer to me before i feel the bed dip and warm arms wrap around me and more tears leave my eyes before slight sobs leave my mouth as i keep trying to keep my composer and evan pulls me closer

"Is your mind going crazy again?" He asks and i nod and nuzzle my face more into his chest his big hands rubbing my back and arm as i grip his shirt as sobs leave my mouth more and i try to quiet them leaving tears on his shirt "its okay you're okay" he coos softly as he holds me close "i dont know why this happens evan-" i stutter a bit "i know you love me but my mind makes me crazy-" i say before breaking down and he holds my shaking body closer

"I know i know" he says softly kissing my head a couple of times when i get another over whelming feeling i remember every time i accidentally hurt evan while doing something and how  i felt and how i feel like i was mad and  guilty and just fuckin wanting to kms

I sob more trying to get out of evans arms the feeling too much to handle "hey hey" he says trying to hold onto me before i finally get out running to the kitchen trying to breathe the feelings so familiar and painful evan runs after me as i look at the ground my hands covering my face tears falling and sobs leaving my mouth 

"Y/n" evan coos before coming over to me holding me again kissing my head again before grabbing a glass of water and putting it close to me and i grab it shaking while i try and take a sip i bring the glass back down more calmed down and he comes close to me "we okay now?" He asks softly and i nod my breath still a little shaky

He lifts my head up wiping my tears before kissing my nose then my head and then he gives me a sweet soft and gentle kiss on my lips and i look up at him still holding his body close to mine "why did i get so lucky" i say softly as he wipes away my old tears and he shrugs his shoulders smiling a bit "i think im the lucky one" he says making me smile

The smile fades a bit "im so sorry i dont know how to control my feelings and you're the only person who makes me happy" i say looking deeply into his eyes tears swelling again and he shakes his head "its okay" he coos before kissing me again holding me close to him his warm body making me feel like im in heaven

He leans back and takes my hand taking me to our room and we lay down he pulls me close my head on his chest his other arm wrapped around me "i love you so much" i say softly grabbing his hand thats resting on his stomach "i love you too" he says holding my hand as well i lift my head up leaving sweet kisses on his lips as he kisses back softly

I lay my head back down finally feeling okay breathing his scent in and his warmth on my body i close my eyes ill definitely have to apologize cause im scared he'll get to tired of my breakdowns even if i dont have them that often and leave me but i push the thought away cause he loves me and hes holding me right now

I fall asleep in his arms....

I have another imagine and its gonna be posted before this bc i make a alot of drafts sometimes when i have a lot of ideas and im gonna make a kyle imagine bc i saw an edit and omg🤭 literally drooling

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now