Moving in?(evan)

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Ik u dont live where i say y/n lives but im saying my experience

I pick up my phone and decide to call evan he lives in LA and i live in Arizona we met when i went on a trip to LA and i wanted to live there and be an actress and me and him ended up dating and now i can go to arizona and cali whenever

"Hello" i hear on the other side of the phone "hey evan"i say "oh hey babe what are you doin?" He asks and i smile "nothing i just really miss you what if i just moved in?" I say and a small laugh escapes my mouth "well what if you did move in?" He says and i pause "wait what" i say and he stays quiet for a moment "what if you moved to LA with me" he says and i freeze "we could still visit Arizona right?" I ask "yeah for sure" he says and a smile makes its way onto my face

"Evan if you're being serious ill start packing my things right now" i say and listen to him for a moment "im dead serious move in with me baby" he says and i squeal before jumping up and down in excitement "evan dont mess with me im being serious" i say pausing again "i wanna live with you baby, i would be so happy" he says and my body over loads with happiness "okay get in your car and start driving over here im telling my family and stuff ill start packing" i say and i hear him laugh softly to himself "okay i love you see you in a bit" he says "i love you too" i say softly before hanging up the call and i start texting my family

After a while of me packing it's been 6 hours almost 5 and ive packed a decent bit when i hear a knock on the door i rush over and open the door only to be consumed in a familiar hug i love so much "evan!" I say as my arms wrap around his neck and my head goes to rest in the crook of his neck

"Hey baby" he says softly and i hold him tighter "how was the way here?" I ask and he shrugs "it was alright" he says and we finally start to let go of each other "you hungry?" I ask and he nods a bit and we end up eating food talking to my parents a bit and his and all that till the next morning

I wake up with familiar arms wrapped around me i turn around and face evan whos sleeping peacefully i smile and start moving his arms off my body after some breakfast and going to get coffee we're actually working better my parents come over and help me pack my stuff and after a day or so i was able to start heading out to cali i know it was abrupt and funny but ive always wanted to live in la and the fact im living with evan is even better

I hug my parents tightly before getting in the car and we start driving off im still gonna see Arizona but yk ill miss it after a while me and evan are blasting music eating snacks and stuff and we eventually make it to la we drive to evans house and grab some boxes bring them up with us as we make our way to his house

I set the boxes down and look around the familiar area and turn to evan "im actually living here you're gonna get sick of me" i say moving closer to him and he takes me gently into his strong arms "i will never get tired of you who knows maybe ill even put a ring on it" he says making my heart flutter and i laugh a bit

I lean in and kiss his soft lips after a while of him being in la and me being in arizona its hard cause i miss him a lot but now im staying here i can have him all to my myself

"I mean you've already been here and you know the ropes soo i guess we could just celebrate here" he says and i smile before nodding "it is already pretty late" i say and a smile appears onto his face again "then lets go babe" he says as we walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of vodka with some other drink mixes he sets it on the counter and we start making drinks adding random stuff like strawberries and some soda with ice and even some cranberry juice with a whole shot (i made a drink with my friend who i havent talked to like this whole week and i miss her but anyways it was strawberry with sugar a shot of gin and sprite you could taste it but it was good for a first drink i made)

We stir our drinks and i turn to evan "to us taking the next step, and being more in love and happy than ever" i say smiles appearing on mine and evans face as we clink our drinks together and drink the drinks sipping throughout as we talk to each other and eventually we make another drink and by the end of the night we're pretty tipsy

"Im so glad i met you evan, you helped me through so much i dont know if I'd be here without you" i say sat on the counter evan between my legs my arms around his neck our empty glasses next to us "awe baby, im so glad i met you those 2 years ago ive never been happier since you helped me through my roles and i cant ask for a better hot babe" he teases and i slap his shoulder playfully making him laugh before he leans down kissing my lips gently

I kiss back with just as much love and comfort pulling him closer his soft lips feeling like heaven against mine he pulls away after a moment and looks at me tiredness in my eyes "i think its time for bed baby" he says and i nod in agreement he wraps his arms around my stomach and he lifts me up me dangling off his shoulder "evan omg!" I yell and he laughs before giving my ass a little slap making me laugh and squeal slapping his making him laugh hysterically as he carries me to our room (im too heavy i dont think evan would be able to carry me but hey its wattpad anythings possible🤷‍♀️)

Ive never been more happy in my life...

Aweee hes so cuuuttteeee i just wish i was skinny enough for him to actually be able to pick me up but anyways i actually love this a lot and i love the ending the absolute moooosssstttt but anyway i love you so so so much *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my loooovvveee

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now