The Corner Store Boy (charles safelight)

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Its late at night and ive been walking for hours i finally see light and i continue walking a big 'hotel' sign comes into my view and i see a corner store attached to the hotel and gas stations

I walk past the hotel and go into the small corner store the bell rings as i enter and i see a boy around my age absolutely handsome behind the counter

His head lifts up and his eyes meet mine his curly brown hair slightly going into his eyes i flash him a smile and wave slightly "hi" i say "hey" he says nervously and i go to make myself a coffee slightly glancing at the boy every once a while

I bring the cup up to the counter "can i also get a pack of mint gum?" I ask looking into the boys eyes he nods for a second looking into my eyes before turning to grab a pack of gum "all this is a dollar" he says and i pull out 2 dollars "one for you" i say and grab my stuff waving to him "bye" i say smiling he waves at me nervously "yeah bye" he says and i walk out making my way back home

The next day i keep thinking of the boy hes stuck on my damn mind no matter how much i try and get him off the mental picture of him wont leave its night time again so i grab 2 dollars and head down the road to the shop

I see the hotel sign again and walk into the shop the bell ringing again only this time the boy is with an older woman he looks up at me in a trance i wave flashing a smile he waves back

As im getting my coffee i see the woman shove the boy playfully with her shoulder saying "this is the girl you were talking about" she says teasingly thinking im not hearing "yeah shh" he says to the woman "shes a pretty little thing" she says to the boy "mhm" he says in a trance looking at me making me smile i smile to myself and go up to the counter "and a pack of gum please" i say again he grabs the gum and i give him two dollars "one for you" i say smiling

He nods "thank you" i nod my head waving before walking out "bye" i say and i hear him say "b-bye" and i walk out and see the woman teasing him through the window while he has a blush and embarrassed smile on his face and i make my way back home once again the boy stuck in my mind

I walk down the dusty road seeing the now familiar hotel sign excited to see the boy this time i rush to open the door and wave at him a smile plastered on my face

"I already have your coffee ready i made it a second ago" he says shyly i smile and look on the counter seeing a pack of gum and a coffee cup. Awe.

I walk over to the counter and pull out my money "its on me" he says making me smile more i pull out a dollar "for you" i say and grab my stuff "hey whats your name?" I say continuing the conversation more than usual

His eyes light up more and he looks at me again "charles" i smile "cute name charles im y/n" i say "ill see you tomorrow" i say smiling at the boy the thought of him making me blush he nods his head and i walk out to make my way home

Damn it i fucking hate school all these assholes thinking they are something when they are a nobody all full of themselves i moved here recently so i have to go to school now great

I walk into class avoiding the gaze of everyone im not much of a talker only person ive talked to is charles the cute boy who works on the corner store of course

I sit down in my seat the teacher assigned me too all the way in the back and get some books the teacher told me i needed out flipping to a page i look at all the people in the class while they work and notice a person who looks familiar from their hair. Charles.

I shake my head i mean it could be him but i dont know i only see his hair and his familiar style of clothes i do my work trying to keep the boy out of my mind school is finally over and i walk out having to go down a dusty type path to get to my house and i see a trail with a footstep next to it and i follow it

I see a boy ahead the boy with brown hair come on that has to be charles or maybe it isnt i dont know i keep walking and see some assholes pull up infront of the boy before they start pushing him

I run to catch up looking face to face with the boys "hey leave him alone asshole" i say standing infront of the boy who is on the floor "or what" the asshole says and i pull my pocket knife out my pocket visible to the boys "or i will cut your fuckin balls off thats what" i say and they share a glance at each other before walking to their car "whatever" and they drive off

I turn to the boy to be met with those same brown eyes i have dreams about "oh charles" i say and crouch down and he looks at me surprised "oh y/n" he says and i grab his soft hand in mine and help him up before i go behind him and dust off all the dirt thats on his back pack and his back and pants "there" i say smiling going infront of him

"What are you doing here" he asks nervously "i go to your school i thought i saw you but i thought i was hallucinating or something but i can recognize those pretty curls from anywhere" i say smiling and he shyly smiles to himself looking down as we start walking him limping i look at him concerned

"You okay?" I say and he smiles at me "yeah they bully me because my foot is deformed so i cant walk normal but its fine" i wanna punch myself in my fucking face i look down "oh okay but its not fine you shouldnt let them treat you like shit but you got me now" i say and he smiles at me

We keep walking talking about whatever his voice putting me in a trance before we get to the end of the road and i turn to him "bye charles ill see you tonight" i say and pull him into a hug his warmth radiating onto my body his scent engulfing me he shyly hugs me back "yeah see you tonight" he says a smile on his face before i pull away waving to the boy walking to my house as he walks the opposite direction to his house

I grab my money practically running out my house down the road so excited to see charles ill admit i do have a big crush on him but he doesnt know so its fine

I see the hotel sign making me only more excited as i walk through the doors the bell rings again and i turn to charles waving excitedly "hi charles" he smiles at me "hi y/n heres your stuff" i smile "its on me of course" he adds making me blush i pull out a dollar "just for you then"

He smiles sheepishly "do you ever get lonely just sitting here" i say taking a sip from my coffee damn charles his coffee is so good "i mean a little but its my job and i dont know theres rarely any customers" i smile "you want some company?" I say and he looks at me with bright eyes and nods i go behind the counter pulling charles into a hug his familiar scent making me smile more his warm body engulfing me

I pull back and charles smiles at me and i sit on a chair that was next to him and from then we hit it off talking about whatever and i realize how cute charles is when hes talking about something hes passionate about how his brown eyes light up and how he looks at me wanting to learn everything about me

We have actually a lot in common we are almost identical but its already really late and its almost time to close up the shop so i help clean around and charles turns off the lights before we walk out with the closed sign on the door

We are still laughing and walking down to the end of the road and we have to go opposite directions i turn to charles a slight smile on my face and pull him into a hug his body making me warm in the cold weather and i let go only to give him a sweet kiss on the cheek and he blushes smiling shyly before lifting his hand up to touch the cheek i kissed i smiles "goodnight charles ill see you tomorrow"

I say but before i can leave charles grabs my hand "oh uhm my dads friend who is basically like my mom said that me and you should go dancing with them basically country dancing but its up to you" he says shyly and i smile big "of course charles just at school tell me when and stuff i go with you" i say giving him another kiss on the cheek before walking away

Damn this will be fun...

Okay so im cuttin it right there because recently these stories have been long asf butttt thats okay id rather have it long than short so imma make the other one rn as we speak so dont worry u wont have to wait long love you *mwah mwah mwah* bye my love

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