Smoke Kisses (clay the Lazarus effect) (part 1)

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Ive recently started working at this lab and they are trying to make a serum that can bring animals from the dead and they might try and bring people to life too

I have the biggest crush on my coworker clay hes so cute he has curly brown hair and brown eyes and the prettiest smile ive ever seen everytime im in the same room as him i catch glances of him and zoe basically my boss asks if im okay because im really quiet and nervous when im around him

I decided to stay late after everyone left (or so i thought) because i have some unfinished files and stuff to finish and i couldnt get them done today and i didnt want to do them tomorrow

I pull out my vape sitting at the computer before i take a hit typing something on the computer im not supposed to vape in the lab because zoe doesnt like it and stuff like that but clay vapes all the time and he looks so fine doing it

As im taking a hit and typing i hear someone yell and grab my chair shaking it making me scream before the chair turns around and i quickly blow away the smoke incase its zoe and i dont want her to lecture me but instead its clay...

"You asshole!" I say hitting him playfully before i sigh "i got u" clay says laughing and i roll my eyes playfully before i take another hit "woah you vape?" He asks and i nod before i blow the smoke in his face and he looks at my lips before looking my body up and down but i dont think anything of it

He puts his hand out "let me try and ill let you try mine" he says shrugging his shoulders and i put my finger on my chin trying to look 'wise' before i speak "on one condition" i say and he looks at me waiting for the condition "i put smoke in my mouth and i pass it to you by my mouth and after that you put smoke in your mouth and pass it to me again by your mouth" i say a little nervous trying to sound confident "so like kissing?" He says confused and i nod bitting the inside of my lip slightly "okay" he says shrugging his shoulders

I nod before taking a long hit putting smoke in my mouth and lungs before i motion my hands for him to come closer and i scoot my chair closer to him and he bends down and i grab his face softly before i lean in and he leans in as well turning his head and our lips touch making sure to leave a little space for air to get in so he can inhale the smoke *if u havent vaped or smoked u might be a little confused dont worry*

He inhales the smoke slowly and finally leans back blowing the smoke standing up straight making me smile before he looks back down at me "my turn" he says and takes a hit of his and after a minute he leans down again and i pull him closer this time our lips touch and i inhale the smoke into my lungs slowly like how he did and i lean back blowing the smoke into the air and look back at him whos smiling slightly

"I have an idea" he says and i nod "what is it" i ask and he shrugs his shoulders rubbing the back of his neck nervously "what if we kiss without the smoke?" He says softly and my eyes go a bit wide is this really happening theres no way he could like me wait could he?

"Yeah sure" i say before i stand up and we walk over to a couch thats in the lab and i sit down and he sits next to me and i turn to him before i grab his face softly and pull him close his hands grab my waist pulling me to him as well giving me butterflies and i lean in kissing his lips softly and shortly a couple times before we get more comfortable and i kiss him passionately and long

Our lips move together his soft plump lips more soft than i thought before our lips start opening and we start actually making out i sit more up getting closer to him and he sits normal on the couch his feet on the floor and i swing my leg over straddling him his hands find my bare skin by the waist band of my pants his cold hands on my lower back and waist as he pulls me closer

My hands tangle into his hair as i kiss him more and more before i slide my tongue across his lip and he opens his mouth more and our tongues glide together as our breath becomes more heavy

I separate our lips and kiss his neck softly leaving sloppy kisses on his soft skin as small groans leave his mouth and i sit back and he immediately pulls be back to him and kisses my neck making my legs feel like jello "can i leave marks on your neck?" He asks softly and i nod "yes please" i plead and he sucks on my sensitive skin making me push myself more into him before he leans back and i sit looking at him with hazed eyes

I smile slightly making him smile as well "wanna do this tomorrow?" I ask and he nods frantically and i smile before i kiss him one last time....

Imma make more parts to this cause this is a great story line omg anyways imma hang out with my friend in a bit but i might make more of this right now so yeah i love u*mwah mwah mwah* bye my love maybe

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