I Can Help You With That (Colin Zabel smut)

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This has smut obviouslyyyy

I sit at my desk trying to see if theres anymore evidence about a case me and my crush colin who works with me that me and him are working on i breathe deeply sighing before rubbing my eyes stressed i rest my arms on the desk and sit there in silence for a moment before i hear a knock on my door

"Come in" i say trying to not show my stressed self and the door opens revealing colin "Zabel, hey" i say making myself more presentable "hey so i know its pretty late but i was uhm.. wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out for a bit like idk pick up some food or something and eat it in my car? I mean you dont have to you know i mean i dont mind" he says nervously is colin zabel asking me out? No way its probably just as friends

"Oh" i say my face lights up "yeah, no totally yeah im down im finishing up right now if you wanna head out in a minute" i say and he nods a look of relief?

"Yeah okay ill uh be in my office tell me when your ready" he says and i nod smiling slightly and he leaves the room i know its probably as friends but my heart is racing fast as fuck omg im going to hang out with colin?

I stand up and start throwing stuff into my bag quickly, putting my bag on the desk and i run my hands through my hair a bit and make sure i look good before throwing my bag on my shoulder and walking over to the door opening it and walking down to the office across from me knocking softly

The door opens and colin walks out turning off the light in his office his bag with him as well "you ready?" He says and i nod and we walk out of the building to my car "okay we will drop ur car off and ill just take you home after" he says and i nod "okay just follow me" i say and he nods i get into my car turning it on throwing my bag to the side and start driving to my house colin close behind

We finally make it to my apartment and i park my car in its regular spot before getting out walking to colins car and i open the door getting into the passenger seat colin looks over at me and smiles "ready?" He says and i nod smiling as well and we start driving to a fast food place

We decide on mc Donald's (obviously) and we order our food in the drive through i pull out my wallet and open it up but colin puts his warm hand over mine and i look up at him "you really think imma let you pay for your stuff?" He says smiling kinda teasingly and i put my wallet back in my pocket

He pays and we pull up to the parking lot and he opens the bag handing me my food and taking his out as well i grab one of my fries and take a bite throwing my head back at the food its been a while since ive eaten out ive been too busy and just idk usually i eat junk at my house "thank you zabel, you're so sweet to me" i say putting my hand over his for a moment before grabbing some more food eating it

"Yeah no problem" he says looking at me a smile plastered on his face "you find anything else out about the case?" He says before taking a bite out of his food i groan throwing my head against the seat again "can we not talk about the case? I have no evidence so far and its stressing me out like hell" i say turning my head to look at him my head still resting against the seat and he nods understandingly

"Then what do you wanna talk about?" He asks and i shrug "why are you so nice to me?" I ask putting more food in my mouth taking a sip of my drink "why wouldnt i?" He asks a confused look on his face "idk people dont usually treat me the way you do, ever since i started working at that office you've just made my stressful days better by really just talking to me, you have this vibe that makes me feel idk, safe?" I say as he looks over at me before shrugging his shoulders

"Idk i guess you were just nice to me too and i kinda took a liking to you" he says a small smile appearing back on his face as a friend y/n as a damn friend dont get ur hopes up

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