Sick (zoe benson)

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I lay in my bed sweaty and a little jittery i think i might be sick and i fucking hate being sick damn guess i gotta take care of myself for a bit and me and zoe were supposed to hang out today omfg the blankets around me one of my legs sticking out just trying to breathe deeply and i hear the front door all the way downstairs slam. Damn it.

I lay still in the bed when i hear footsteps up the stairs and i know who it is based off their footsteps. Zoe. (I actually know how to know who it is based off their footsteps) i suck in my breath as the doorknob starts to turn to mine and Zoe's room and it opens revealing you guessed it, zoe.

Her gaze falls over to me and i turn my head away from her a concerned look comes onto her face as she makes her way over to me closing the door she sits on the bed next to me and her hand lands on mine "babe, you okay?" She asks but i keep my gaze off of her "i dont know" i shudder out "come here" she says and my eyes finally meet hers a look guilt almost, on my face and i scoot closer to her

She extends her hand out and her hand lays flat against my forehead "omg y/n you're burning up" she says before she walks into the restroom and comes back out with a damp washcloth she folds it and lays it on my head ghe coolness making a sigh of relief escape my mouth her hand rests on my cheek and i look up at her "im sorry, we were supposed to hang out today" i say and her gaze softens even more a quick smile on her face before she talks

"Its okay, it really is not a big deal we see each other everyday we can hang out when you're feeling better, but besides that im taking care of you" she says and i cant help but let a small tint of blush fill my cheeks and my hand reaches up to rest against hers "you're so sweet" i say softly and she smiles again before leaning down and placing a soft kiss against my head before standing up "imma go make some food and get some liquids for you mkay?" She asks and i give her a short nod before blowing her a cheesy kiss which she 'catches' and holds to her chest and walks out of the room god how much i love her

After a while of me laying there just trying to feel better instead of feeling so shitty i hear steps up the stairs again and the door knob starts to twist the door creaking a bit while opening revealing zoe with a tray in her hand lazily look up at her a small smile on her face making a small one appear on mine as well

"I made you some soup and got you some liquids" she says softly and i nod a bit as she sets the tray onto my lap i pick up the spoon and start to take bites of the soup the delicious liquid and soft food sliding down my thoat with ease a groan leaves my mouth "zoe this is fucking delicious thank you" i say taking more bites and the smile on her face gets a little bigger

"No problem, how you feeling?" She asks reaching up taking the washcloth off my head and laying her hand onto my forehead "i mean im feeling better" i say "you're cooling down" she says before she sets the cloth onto the bedstand he hand reaching back up to glide through my hair a bit "thank you for taking care of me baby" i say "no problem babe ill be here till you get better" she says my smile only getting bigger she leans in and lays a kiss on the top of my head and i turn my head leaving a kiss to her hair

She goes back to her original position and looks at me lovingly i grab her hand softly and pull her towards me which she accepts before i pull her hard to me not enough to hurt her and she rolls on top of me laughing hysterically and i lay her onto the bed next to me wrapping my arms around her body tightly her head resting on my chest my fingers gliding through her hair

She breathes contently as i hold her close to me "can you sleep with me for a bit i already miss you" i say softly and she smiles more "of course i will anything for you" she says softly as she looks into my eyes before laying her head back onto my chest my arm wrapped around her securely holding her close to my body

"I dont deserve you, you're so sweet to me and you've helped me through so much i love you with my whole heart i couldnt of asked for anyone better you have my whole heart zoe" i say and she looks up at me "awe y/n i love you more you have my heart too you helped me through a lot and you dont even know it i cant imagine life without you" she says and a smile appears onto my face widely and i squeeze her against me tightly her head goes back to rest on my chest and i play with her silky hair gently as she closes her eyes

I lean down kissing the top of her head gently before laying my head down against the pillows again and i close my eyes her warmth and comfort just making me so relaxed and safe and her scent too just all making me feel so loved i let my body relax completely and i slowly start to drift off to sleep thanks to my beautiful girlfriend zoe...

This is soooo cuttteeeee awee whens it myyyy tuuuurrrrnnnn 😕 anyways im very happy my wife is so sweet to me and i text her everyday and idk what i wouldve done if she never commented on my story shes so sweet and i dont deserve her at all shes just omgggg i love her with my whole heart😕❤️ anyways i love you so much *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my looovvveeee

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