I love you too (evan peters)

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I sit up in my bed before deciding to text my crush evan ive liked him since we were kids but i never said anything because i didnt wanna ruin our relationship

I like to do this thing where i send lyrics and he gets all confused its really fucking funny and me and him flirt as a joke but for me its not a joke i pull up his contact and text him 'can i have some of your love?' I tap the back of my phone waiting for a reply 'pardon?' He says and i smile 'can i have some of your love' i send again and he responds quicker 'my love?'

I smile wider 'ur love' i say 'you want some of it?' He says and i blush a bit 'i know theres lots of love in your heart who you gonna give it to?' I send and wait for a moment 'idk man' he says 'i know theres lots of girls that you see but i swear their not as cool as me' i say and wait for a second 'oh fr?' He says

'If you wanna watch a movie or just chill i can do whatever you wanna do👀' i say changing the lyrics a bit so he doesnt know the song '😩😩😩' he responds 'i want some of your love' i say again 'take some then' he says causing the blush on my face to become more noticable then i realize hes probably flirting as a joke again

I change the song to a different song 'what is this spell baby please show some mercy im melting like an ice cream when you smile tbh🙈' i send '😭😭😭' he responds 'you got some soft lips and some pearly whites i aint even gonna lie💋' i send and he responds with 'thank you ma😩💋' i blush even more taking a deep breath

'I wanna touch your lips in the dead of night😶😶😶' i say and after a moment he responds with '?' And i chuckle a bit finding this hilarious and realizing im starting to be serious with the songs 'your smile ignites just like a candle light and for some reason everything's alright idk why' i send before typing again 'your a day dream' i say and he responds after a second with '😶' and i smile more

'You look just like a dream your honestly the most handsome man ive ever seen' i say changing the song after looking through the songs i have 'i want some of your love' i say going back to my other song '😩😩😩' he responds again 'im loving your vibe and i want some of your love? Your making me crazy because your my type of man' i say and and wait a minute when my phone vibrates again

'☺' he responds 'im down on my hands and knees begging please baby give me some of your love' i say mixing the lyrics up with other songs that i said 'i dont think these are lyrics anymore 😟' he sends and i laugh a bit 'one day i just wanna hear you say i like you...' I send finding this hilarious changing the song again '🙀' he sends and i reply 'i had a dream we started dating' i send before typing again 'and i want some of your love cause your a day dream and your the most handsome man ive ever wanted and your the kind of man i want' i say the truth pushing more out but he doesnt know that

'Oh?' He says and i have to breathe because he doesnt know how much him flirting or anything makes me squirm 'your my dream boy ive had dreams about you too' i say and he responds quick '?' I smile again 'i wanna kiss you' i say changing the song again waiting for an answer 'do it then' he says and my eyes widen my stomach turning 'i really wanna kiss you' i say no lyrics anymore 'do it then' he says again and i smile biting my lip

'Just something about you makes me want your love' i say going back on the lyrics 'wym' he says and i smile knowing hes probably confused again 'i just want your love. But can i get a kiss?' I say waiting anxiously again 'on the lips or the cheek?' He says and i laugh lightly 'i know its stupid but i was too shy to tell you' i say and he responds ratherly quick 'why' i smile again before typing quickly 'because that smile you have me all choked up all i want is you can i get a kiss yes or no? Can i have your love' i say and wait a minute before he starts typing back

'Yes you already have it' he says and i smile my stomach fluttering like crazy 'HOLD ON y/n are you flirting with me or did you just have a love confession' he says and my eyes widen again before i play along messing with him 'i think i love you' i say and he responds 'oh' making me smile

'Are you mad' i ask and he responds again maybe 10 minutes 'open your door' he says and my eyes widen. What. I rush to my front door out of my room opening the door and i see evan standing in the doorway before he grabs my face kissing me sweetly softly and patiently and i smile returning the kiss grabbing his arms that are lifted up gently

"I love you too" he says and i smile before dragging him into the house into my room and i push him onto the bed playfully "be mine" he says and i smile my face red as i crawl into my bed next to him "of course evan" i say and he smiles before kissing me deeply again and i kiss him back as he lays on his back and im leant over him a bit kissing him

I lay down and he pulls me close to him his scent engulfing me making me smile like crazy "goodnight babe i love you" he says and i smile even more "i love you too lover boy" i say and lay my head on his chest closing my eyes before falling asleep

I finally have him...

Basically the text messages are me and my crush cause i actually did that and confessed my love but i just changed some words to make them together cause my crush doesnt like me anyways this is actually adorable and i wanna kms cs when is it my turn?

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now