Insecure (evan)

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Ever since i was younger ive always been insecure of my body i dont even know why evan would want me my stomach bulges like a fucking middle age alcoholic my breasts are ugly ik its tmi but i just fucking hate my body i mean i feel like im even gaining weight in my face i dont know what evan sees in me at all maybe hes just messing around then?

I look at my body in the mirror tears stinging my eyes my hair my body my face just everything is so ugly i turn to the side my body just so fucking ugly and bulging i throw one of evans shirts on the baggy shirt hanging right below my ass and i throw on some sweatpants crossing my arms around my stomach tears starting to fall down my face

The tears come down more and more intensely and before i know it im sobbing sitting down on mine and evans bed my arms around my stomach as tears fall down my face im so glad evans not home right now and at work

Or maybe he isnt. I didn't realize the time.

I hear the front door open and close making my heart drop damn it hes gonna know i wipe my tears and try and act normal as i hear him walking closer to the room "babe im home!" He yells before he starts to open the door and i grab my phone pretending to be occupied "hey baby" he says as he walks over to me and kisses my head softly "hey evan" i say trying to sound normal but it doesnt really work

"Babe? You know i know when somethings wrong, what's going on?" He asks sitting down next to me on the bed and i feel tears sting my eyes again "nothing im fine" i say hastily and he sighs putting his arm around my waist scootinge closer to him "alright you dont have to tell me but just know i love you and im always here" he says softly and thats when i finally break my lip quivers "oh baby please dont cry" he says and tears start to fall down my face again

He pulls me close to him and i look away from him almost ashamed "okay somethings way more wrong than usual" he says and more sobs escape my mouth "w-why do you e-even like me?" I sob out and his face is a look of concern and confusion "babe what?" He asks "im so u-ugly and big and i d-dont know what you s-see in me" i stumble out and his hand soothingly rubs my back "babe you're talking nonsense, i love you and you're so fucking beautiful i wish you could see yourself through my eyes you would never think of yourself in that way ever again" he says as he puts his head against the back of mine (like in coven when kyles crying and zoe puts her head onto kyles yk?)

"Evan i hate my body a-and you should too m-my stomach is big my breasts are ugly im gaining w-weight in my face im getting m-more and more ugly every d-day and im s-so heavy" i sob out and he guides me to cradle me in his lap holding me close to him "i love you, so much more than you could ever know, you're so beautiful baby god everytime i lay my eyes on you im hypnotized, i love your body so much i love kissing down your neck and your breasts to your stomach and your thighs i couldnt ask for more, you are so gorgeous and you arent heavy i can literally pick you up babe i want you to know i love you so much i even have dreams about you i cannot imagine life without you i love your body, your personality, and everything about you" he says softly making my heart flutter

"You really mean it?" I ask softly sniffling looking up at him "i mean every word" he says grabbing my face gently and he lays a soft kiss to my nose me holding onto his wrists gently before i place soft kisses against his lips him returning them even more lovingly we eventually pull away and he puts his hand on my head and guides it gently to his chest

I lay my head against his chest and close my eyes inhaling his sweet scent "i love you evan so much you have my whole heart i want to spend the rest of my life with you" i say softly "i want to spend the rest of my life with you too, i love you y/n" he says and i look up at him again him grabbing my face this time and he kisses me again softly before we pull away him smiling softly at me making me laugh softly a bit he wipes the left over tears off my face pressing a kiss to my head gently

"If you ever feel like that ever again tell me baby, im always here and you know it and ill always be here" he says and i nod softly "i probably look so ugly from crying" i say a soft laugh coming out of me "you look beautiful" he says and a soft blush comes to my face he grabs my face and lays quick kisses against all of my face making me laugh out loud

"You tired?" He asks me after i yawn a bit and i nod lazily "lets go to bed then" he says and he picks me up bridal style no signs of struggle damn he really knows how to make me feel better he lays me on the bed and gets in as well going under the blankets pulling me close to him my head resting on his chest his arms wrapped protectively and securely around me "i love you, evan" i say softly "i love you too y/n" he says leaning down kissing my head softly

I nuzzle my head against him more and let my heavy eyelids close his hand rubbing my back comfortingly as i drift to sleep safe and in love with the man holding me...

This is actually cuuuttteeee i needed to make it cs ive been insecure recently and i really needed this im so mentally exhausted recently so i guess this helped but anyways i love you so much *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love.

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now