Human Vibrator (peter maximoff)(i think it explains itself)

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I get home from a tough day and flop down onto my bed i wonder where peter is god we've been friends for 2 years and ive liked him since i laid eyes on him his silver hair, his soft lips i want to just kiss, his style, his taste in music, his humor, his touch everything just omg

I sigh peter stuck on my mind now i reach over into my drawer and pull out a small vibrator i have (why is this so embarrassing to me?) I turn it on and lower it into my pants (omg kms) the vibration makes me throw my head back against the pillows and pant heavily my other hand grips the sheets below me as soft moans leave my mouth and i try and keep them quiet when i feel a gush of air and i know exactly who it is (yall have a blanket over you cs i woulda kms) i press the button quickly to turn it off and i sit back up trying to look normal

"Woah im sorry- wait whats that you got?" He says damn it he fuckin heard and he saw me "uh nothing pete" i say "cmon you know i could grab it and run across the world before you can even blink" he says and i look down at my lap "really pete its fine its nothing" i say biting my lip nervously "okay have it your way" he says before another flash happens and hes holding it in his hand and im left empty handed i sit up feeling my stomach drop

"You were using this little thing?" He asks and i just look away embarrassed answering his question "theres only three settings" he says squinting at it like its useless "no mutant setting? Sucks i guess" he says and my eyes start to open more wide what is he talking about?

"You know, i could do it wayyy better than this little thing" he says as he looks over at me my mouth agape "p-pete what?" I stumble out completely confused "i could do it better than this, i mean way better" he says "i can show you" he says "i- uhm" i think for a moment wait he actually likes me? "Uh, yeah okay" i say a blush taking over my face and he speeds over to me setting the little vibrator down onto my nightstand and he gets onto the bed next to me he puts his hand on my face making my breath uneven hes never been this forward but i mean im not complaining

He gently pulls my face towards him and he kisses me passionately me returning the kisses even more making him smile a bit at how needy i am i grab his hand and lower it guiding it into my pants he rubs me at first making me moan a bit into the kiss before i feel his fingers start to vibrate making me gasp and separate the kiss gripping his wrist tightly i move my head into the crook of his neck panting heavily

He keeps it the same for a bit "p-pete fuck" i whimper out and he makes the vibration more intense making me gasp loudly and grip his wrist more grinding lightly against his fingers "peter oh my god" i moan out more loudly my body tense a smile comes across his face as i throw my head more into the pillows

He kisses my neck my head thrown back still "peter i- im gonna cum oh shit" i whimper and i feel a wave of pleasure take over my body "fuck peter" i moan out as i finish and he finally stops the vibration taking his hand out of my pants and licking his fingers since some of it got onto them and he smiles at me

Me breathing heavily my chest going up and down with every breath i look over at him a shade of pink coming across my cheeks as i try and suppress a smile "you make some pretty sounds" he says and i nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck again embarrassed "stooppp" i say and he just laughs and wraps his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him and he rolls over to lay down pulling me with him and i lay my head against his shoulder close to his neck

"Was it okay though?" He asks and i lift my head up "did you really just ask that maximoff? Come on i was moaning your name what do you think?" i say and we both smile i grab his face with my hand gently and i kiss his lips softly which he returns his strong arms wrapped around me

He kisses me softly and lovingly making butterflies fill my stomach his touch gentle almost as if im the most fragile thing in the world we pull away his lips a little plump and i smile sheepishly at him and put my head on his chest his fingers go through my hair comfortingly almost as if its something hes dreamed of doing

"Hey y/n" he says and i look up at him "yeah?" I ask "would you maybe wanna..uhm.. y'know? mine...?" He asks and i shrug teasingly "nah i dont feel like it" i say looking at him blankly and he nods looking away "pete, im just fucking around with you babe, of course i wanna be yours" i say and a sigh of relief escapes his mouth a shy almost embarrassed smile comes onto his face "damn you had me worried for a sec" he says and i smile widely before i move and leave soft kisses against his neck like how he did before i move back our faces close together

Our noses almost touching and i lean in leaving more loving kisses against his lips us both smiling into the kisses

Ive never been happier...

I hope you like this onneeee i need to finish my cooper story i just havent had a lot of motivation to write it idk im falling back into a depressive episode a bit but idk ill figure jt out you guys will 100% end up getting it okay? Anyways i love youuuu *mwah mwah mwah* bye my loveeeee

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