Then Have Me (taissa smut)

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This has smut as u can see sooo

I walk up to my girlfriends house and knock on the door waiting patiently before i hear the door unlock and open revealing my girlfriend taissa

"Hi" she says engulfing me in a big hug making me smile "hey" i say holding tight onto her "come on" she says as she drags me inside up to her room and locks the door before turning to me squealing running into my arms hugging me again making me laugh "you seem happy today" i say and she pulls away smiling "im always happy around you" she says making me smile slightly

"Im tired lets go to bed" she says and i nod as we go to lay down in her bed and i pull her close her facing me us face to face and i smile a bit making her smile slightly and before i know it me and her are leaning in our lips move against one another her soft lips making me feel whole

I pull her closer before i climb on top of her "god i want you" i say making her look in my eyes "then have me" she says softly and i lean down kissing her more than last time before kissing her jaw then her neck as her breath becomes uneven my hands reach the end of her shirt my hands roaming her body i sit up taking my shirt off before helping her take hers off

She grabs for me kissing me roughly as i fiddle with her jeans and undo them before sliding them off her completely i look into her eyes pulling away "you sure?" I ask and she nods my hand reaches past her undies as i slide my hand into them rubbing her in circular motions as soft whimpers leave her mouth making me more heated

I kiss her neck softly and lovingly as she grips onto me i hold her tightly with my hand as my other hand works on her i let go of her and she whimpers a bit her legs still open as im quick to take off my pants and her and mine undies throwing them to the side as i line me and her up before moving against her making moans leave both of our mouths and into the air

I move against her as our breath is uneven and i kiss her collar bone and her nails dig into my back god shes so hot

"I love you" i mumble against her soft skin "i love you too" she breathes out as i move more against her and more moans leave mine and hers mouth before she finishes moaning my name lightly into the air and i finish against her moaning her name softly as we try and catch our breath

I look into her eyes before kissing her sweetly and i pull myself off of her still stimulated before getting up grabbing a towel cleaning her up before cleaning me up and i lay next to her pulling the blanket on her bed onto both of us pulling her close to me

"I love you so much" i say as she looks up at me our bare bodies pressed together "i love you more" she says making me smile as i lean down kissing her once more and she grabs my face softly pulling me closer to her and we separate our lips before she lays her head on my chest and i wrap my arms around her soft body

I close my eyes falling asleep in my loves arms...

I love thiisiisisis omg im actually so tired im at my nieces house rn and i dont really like being here but anyways as i was saying im kinda tired imma make another one maybbebe but i love you so so so much *mwah mwah mwah* nighty night my love 💋

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now