I Only Want You Guys (poly kyle and zoe smut)

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I walk into the coven greeted by my girlfriend and boyfriend kyle and zoe kyle walks up to me hugging me tight as i hug back and let go smiling at him and i walk over to zoe sitting down next to her i smile softly kissing her cheek before holding her hand

Kyle comes over to us sitting next to me‚ me in between both of them and i use my other hand to grab his "what did you guys do today?" I ask looking at both of them and kyle excitedly tells me what they did making me smile while zoe chimes in a couple times saying what he forgot

I smile and squeeze his hand after hes done talking before yawning its pretty late zoe sees me yawn and decides we should all finally go to sleep or just lay down since we did a lot and we both agree before walking upstairs we all change from our outfits and get into bed laying next to each other

I watch the tv relaxing when i feel a hand on my thigh and i turn to kyle who has his hand on my thigh and smile before kissing him softly and he slides his hand more up making me hold my breath i lean back as kyles hand goes more up and zoe realizes and i turn to her "sorry" i say knowing she probably doesnt wanna do anything "me and kyle will go" i say starting to move the covers

She grabs me pushing me down onto the bed before kissing me softly and i grab her face gently before kissing her neck and kyles hand slips last my undies making me gasp and breathe heavily against zoes soft skin as he rubs me i reach up grabbing zoes breast softly and a small moan leaves her mouth making me smile a bit

Kyle takes his hand out of my pants and i take this chance to get on top of zoe straddling her kissing her softly before taking her lip in between my teeth gently stretching it out before kissing her again i sit up on her lap looking at kyle and he comes over to us and kisses zoe gently as my hands caress her body lovingly

Kyle and zoe stop kissing and i look at her "can i?" I ask pointing at her pants and she nods and i undo her pants sliding them off her before sliding her shirt off and i turn to kyle and he nods and i help him take off his black shirt and his sweatpants before he helps me take off his underwear

Zoes hands then reach to take off my shirt making me smile a bit as they both help take my clothes off revealing small scars on my body and scars on Kyle's body too and i admire both of their bodies i cant believe i have both of them

I start to go down on zoe when she stops me nervously "what if i hurt u guys the same way i hurt my last boyfriend?" She asks concerned and i smile slightly "well considering me and kyle both died i think its fine" i say and she laughs a little before i kiss her thighs teasingly making her whimper into kyles mouth as he kisses her

I get closer before licking her fully making her gasp a bit as i suck and lick her lovingly moans leaving her mouth over and over making me smile and after a minute i stop and kyle goes over and lines him and zoe up "you sure?" I ask and she nods urgently before kyle slowly enters her making a sharp breath escape her mouth

Kyle gives her a moment before moving in and out of her slowly as groans leave his mouth "you okay?" Kyle asks after a moment and she nods grabbing onto him i use my hand to rub her making more moans leave her mouth making me smile even more before i kiss her softly

Zoe moans out more and more before finishing into kyle "breath baby breath" i coo reassuringly and kyle finishes and i move to kiss him again and he pulls out of zoe "one more for me?" I ask and he nods smiling slightly as he kisses me laying me onto the bed i grab his face looking into his eyes and he lines us up "please" i say as zoe turns rubbing me teasingly and kyle enters me making a breathy moan leave my mouth he gives me a moment and i relax more as he moves in and out of me over and over

Moans and groans and whimpers leave our mouths and into the air as i grip onto kyles back my nails digging into him gently as i throw my head back in pleasure a knot in my stomach getting tighter before i finish and kyle does a couple thrusts later and zoe kisses me lovingly and i reach up for her face

Kyle pulls out of me and we all breath heavily after what we just did i smile making them both smile we all clean up and get into bed zoe and kyle kiss lovingly and long and i kiss kyle with as much love as i can before doing the same to zoe and we all lay next to each other i close my eyes and fall asleep in the arms of my future husband and wife...

FINALLY I DID ITTT im so proud of myselfff i said i was gonna make a smut of them like last year lmao and i finally did it i hope u like it as much as i do anyways i got a new phone and kinda hate it i wanna cry i love my old phone anyways i love you *mwah mwah mwah* bye my love

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