Falling For the Manager (alex adult world)

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I walk into a place ive been looking for a job lately and no one has been accepting me

Im met with porn movies magazines and a lot of other stuff my eyes widen and i breathe deeply starting to walk out before i knock over a tray and vibrators fall to the floor and a woman bends over picking them up

"OH im so sorry i really am" i say and she shrugs her shoulders "oh thats alright are you here for the job" she asks and i think deeply this is my only chance "uhm yeah actually" i say fidgeting with my fingers nervously i never do well around people

"Oh well follow me" she says and leads me to the back room and we talk and eventually im accepted as the new worker a porn shop just my damn luck

I walk out as the lady leads me "and this is the manager" she says as the most handsome boy comes from behind a self and extends his hand he has curly brown hair and beautiful chocolate eyes he has a sharp jawline and god am i hypnotized by him

"Uhm y/n" i hear the woman say slightly and im shook out of my trance "oh sorry uhm im y/n" i say taking his warm big hand into mine holy shit hes fine asf "alex" he says shaking my hand and i nod softly "well alex will i show this lovely lady everything she needs to do" the old lady says and alex nods "of course" he says and me and him get to it

Hes explaining all the rules and how to put stuff up and away and im admiring him most of the time he looks like a fucking greek god omg the way he smiles and the wrinkles he gets near his eyes and his perfect teeth everything about him is what i really want in a guy and hes so sweet and patient omg

"Yeah so that would go over there and now we got a customer" he says and grabs my wrist gently and i blush slightly but he doesnt notice as we walk over behind the register and we pay for the guy and alex tells me how to pay and work everything and i nod looking up at him and its already the end of my shift he helps me throw out the trash

I turn to alex "thanks for telling me all of that and teaching me how to work stuff" i say and he shrugs his shoulders "no problem" he says and i nod putting my hand on his shoulder "bye alex" i say starting to walk away dragging my hand down his arm walking to my car "uh yeah get home safe" he says and i smile getting into my car and driving home

Its been a couple weeks and me and me and alex have gotten really close and im glad because i am in love with him and he doesnt know even though its obvious but oh well

I open the shop door and a bell goes off for the door and alex looks up from the register looking at me before smiling "oh hey" he says and i smile "hey" i say going behind the case where he is and setting my bag down "whatcha doin?" I ask trying to look at the paper hes writing on "nothing" he says and puts it in his bag

"Come onnn alex show me" i say and he shakes his head "then imma have to become a stalker and follow u home and you know i will" i say not joking dead serious "looks like ur gonna have to" he says serious too turning to me fully stepping closer "fine i will" i say serious again our faces close together our noses almost touching before the door bell goes off again knocking us out of our trance

I clear my throat and help the person find something welp i mean was he being serious? I mean he looked as serious as i was being cause im not playing i will but idk im overthinking this he was joking

After a long day its the end of mine and Alex's shift and me and him walk out and he walks me to my car pulling me close to him by my waist cause its dark and sketchy outside making my heart flutter and we get to my car and i open the door

"Okay you follow me to my house?" He asks and i look at him holy shit hes serious "yeah yeah totally" i say and he nods walking to his car before i start following him

We pull up to an apartment building and he parks and i park next to him and we both get out and he walks close to me and he unlocks his door and i walk in looking around and im met with a lot of beautiful paintings honestly i want multiple for my own house "omg did you do this" i say looking at the other paintings before looking at a unfinished one "oh dont look at that one its not finished idk what it is" he says

"Imma go grab some water u want some?" He asks and i nod before he walks away and i see a folder with a string and i pull the string and the folder opens and i pull out drawings........of me?

I smile picking them up and alex walks over setting the cups down before looking at what im looking at and panic sets in his face "omg uhm im so sorry thats really embarrassing" he says rubbing his neck

"I think their really good i like that one" i say pointing to one of them "i thought you would think their creepy" he says and i laugh slightly setting them back down before i feel lips on mine and im shocked before i recognize its alex and i kiss back passionately and sweetly my hands reach up to his hair kissing him more

His lips separate from mine and he looks at me "you wanna stay tonight? I mean you dont have to you know lik-" he starts and i kiss him again "ill stay" i say smiling and he smiles shyly "okay" he says and he grabs one of his big shirts and passes it to me and i change into it while he turns around like a gentleman and he changes while i look at the paintings he made and he gets under the covers and i get next to him with the lights off

He pulls me close and i smile softly "goodnight alex and i really like the drawings" i say and he smiles "im glad, goodnight ill see you in the morning" he says and i kiss him sweetly one last time before laying my head on his chest and i close my eyes falling asleep..

This is so cute imma kms omg anyways imma make a smut of alex lmao and i might make a smut of poly kyle and zoe idk tho im tired and i hit my brothers cart and it made me more tired and i dont wanna go to school anyways i love you *mwah mwah mwah* byee

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