High (evan peterssss)

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I sit in bed waiting for evan to come home i got a surprise for him and im really excited me and him haven't gotten high together yet and i finally got one of the most magical things. Edibles.

I play with the packaging in my hand waiting in anticipation for evan to come home i know how stressed me and him have been recently and this is definitely gonna unwind us and i only get high with people i care about so im pretty excited right now

I hear the door open and close before it locks and i hear keys getting set onto the counter "baby im home!" Evan yells from the kitchen and a smile comes onto my face "babe come here, i have a surprise for you!" I yell into the air and i hear evans footsteps getting closer and closer to our room

I put the package behind my back and the door handle twists and the door opens revealing a kinda tired but very handsome looking evan "hey babe how was work?" I ask and he shrugs a smile coming onto his face as his eyes land on me "what'd you get?" He asks and i smile a little more "sit down and close your eyes and put your hands out, and maybe ill give it to you" i tease and he does as i said sitting down across from me on the bed with his eyes closed and his hands out

I move the package from behind me and set them carefully onto his hands he opens his eyes and looks down as he reads the label his eyes go wide and his mouth drops "babe i was gonna get some like next week i was just busy omg you beat me" he says a smile going back onto his face "awe well of course i always get the best gifts, me and you can do them tonight if you want" i say smiling even wider "hell yes babe, im so excited thank you" he says and he leans in kissing my lips softly which i return

"Hey but they're not all yours at least share" i say and he laughs softly "of course ill share baby" he says as he looks back down at the packaging before looking at me with a familiar look that i only know as 'i just thought of a really bad idea but i know you'll probably say yes' look "uh oh what now" i say playfully "lets take them right now" he says and i laugh softly to myself before putting my hand out and he excitedly opens the package

He places one gummy onto my hand and takes one for himself "you've gotten high before right?" He asks and i nod "uh hell yeah babe i dont live under a rock" i say and he laughs before he puts it in his mouth chewing it and i do the same the taste of weed a little evident (if u havent smoked congratulations tbh im very proud of you and dont let anyone change your mind)

I lay down on the bed and scroll on my phone waiting for the effects evan going onto his phone as well (he doesnt have social media so hes probably playing a ipad kid game)(im jst sayin🤷‍♀️)

After a while i feel the familiar effects starting to take place and i smile softly turning off my phone and looking over at evan his eyes a little red he looks at me and we start laughing more giddy than usual "babe im honestly feelin it" i say and he nods agreeing "me too" he says and i laugh more making him laugh more "im very tired imma go to bed" i say he nods i pull the blankets more over us and lay my head on the pillow evan wraps his arms around me us facing each other but me more to his chest and the weed makes me fall asleep in seconds...

"Baby wake up" i hear evan whisper shaking me gently "huh what happened" i say opening my eyes squinting "try this its so good" he says holding a piece of food to my mouth damn food sounds good asf i open my mouth and take a bite groaning softly "evan its so fucking good" i say my eyes going wide at the spectacular taste "i know omg i cant get enough of it" he says and i start to get up and we practically march in a straight line to the kitchen for more food i check the oven and its actually 3 am. Wow.

We open the fridge eating some cold chicken and cold left over pizza with some sprites and we eventually eat some chips and a left over burrito basically tearing apart the entire kitchen inventory i take one last bite of my pizza and turn to evan "that was really good im full now those munchies went crazy" i say and he nods in agreement "totally im ready to pass out for 400 years" he says and i laugh softly the weed still having effects on me but evans just so funny (he really is)

He walks over to me and lays his hands onto my hips gently "you ready to head to bed finally?" He says and i nod tiredness taking over my body more and more "yes pleassseee" i say my head crashing against evans chest closing my eyes "okay lets go" he says and i lazily walk to our room evan trailing close behind i open the door to our room and walk over to the bed slowly before collapsing onto it earning a small laugh for evan

He grabs the blanket and puts it back over us i lay my head against his chest using the rest of my energy and close my eyes letting evan pull me close to him his arms wrapped around me my hand laying on his chest next to my face "goodnight baby" he says kissing my head softly "goodnight evy" i hum and i finally let the tiredness take over my body and i fall asleep in his arms happy, full, in love, and high...

This is so cute for some reason but i havent really been getting high recently something happened and it scared me and i just realized i have so much time to get high when im older yk but im very tired and i hope you like this imagine a lot i know i did and i love you so so so much *mwah mwah mwah* goodnight my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now