My Kit (k.w.)

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A knock on the door knocks me out of my trance i get up walking over to the door grabbing a baseball bat that sat next to the door holding it up i open the door slowly

"K-kit?" I say my arms falling down slowly from my the stance i was in before the bat drops completely out of my grip

"Y/n" kit says before grabbing me pulling me close to him his scent different from the last time i felt him but his skin and feeling around me the same if anything better

My eyes water before i know it sobs leave my mouth as tears leave my eyes as kit pats my hair holding me i lift my head up grabbing his face with my hands "your here your really here" i say with a whisper as a soft sob leaves my mouth again

"Im here and im never leaving you again baby" he says tightening his grip of his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me insanely closer to him his warmth giving me comfort as it engulfs me i pull his face close to mine attaching his lips to mine his lips still as soft as i remember

His lips his feel his scent his hair his breath his heart beat. Him. I missed him all of him the way he used to hold me kiss me tell me how much he loved me, him calling me mrs.walker

His head turns as i kiss him softly more before our lips detach and i look into his eyes "i missed you so much kit" i say as a tear leaves his eye and i wipe it with my thumb "i missed you too mrs.walker" he says and a smile spreads across my face making one spread across his as more happy tears fall down his cheeks and im quick to wipe them away

I move to wrap my my arms around his neck giving him a warm hug my head pressed close to his neck leaving soft kisses taking in the moment

"Come on" i say grabbing his hand pulling him inside "ive uhm cleaned it up a bit since you've left" i say wiping some left over tears off my face clearing my throat" and we walk over to the kitchen before i move close to kit again "you wanna make dinner together tonight" i say gripping the opening of his jacket he smiles "yeah" he says nodding his head

"You wanna take a shower? Ill get started" kit nods and walks away starting the water before getting in and i get some meat out putting it on a tray cooking it on medium heat before getting a chopping board getting some vegetables and a knife

I peel some carrots chopping them up to small cubes and i grab an onion cutting it before strong arms wrap around my waist and i smile as i feel soft kisses go onto my neck i grab his arms that are wrapped around me pushing myself into him missing the feeling

I grab the knife chopping the onions more before he grabs some more stuff and sets it out setting it next to me and turns to stir the meat as i grab the board putting the vegetables in the pan adding some seasoning "it smells so good, my favorite" kit says

I smile hugging him again finally he smells more like him i give him another sweet kiss and we smile at each other close and soon enough the food is ready i put the food on a plate and set it at the table in which kit moves his chair impossibly close to mine and turns my chair lifting my legs to sit on his lap as we eat the food his hand massaging my calf

He takes a bite and groans "i missed your cooking so much omg" he says leaning his head back before lifting it back up looking at me and he takes more bites before theres no more food on the plate only for him to put more on the plate eating it as i admire him

After eating and literally all the food was gone good to know hes full after the pain hes gone through we get our plates and kit helps me wash the dishes i change into my night gown and sit on the bed as kit changes and sits next to me before he kisses my shoulder up to my neck

I smile and turn my head giving him more kisses and i move closer to him and he lifts me onto his lap my feet dangling off the side of his legs his arm wrapped around my waist and his other hand laying on my thigh

I grab his face and give him a big kiss kit stands up holding me bridal style i gasp and laugh holding onto his neck he lays me on the bed and lays next to me and pulls me close to him i scoot as close as possible to the love of my life sitting next to me as he looks down at me

I play with the hair that rested on the back of his neck twirling the soft stands around my fingers looking deep into his eyes as he holds my body close "i missed you kit so much you dont even know" i say sighing "i missed you too every second of every day i was inside that place i only thought of you and you only"

He says as he plays with the clothing that laid on my hip "i dont want you to leave me again kit" i say my voice breaking kit holds me close concern on his face "no no no baby" he says and kisses my face quickly "not anymore im stayin here for good until you get tired of me" he says his accent i fell in love with thick i smile "ill never get tired of you" i say

"I love you kit" i say leaning in close our lips almost grazing each other "i love you too y/n" he says and he kisses me passionately before laying me back my head on his chest hearing his familiar heartbeat his strong familiar arms wrapped around me

God i missed my kit so much...

I was rewatching season 2 for fun because i rewatched season 1 and i wanted to make an imagine of kit coming home and this is so adorable imma dieeee anyways imma go out to eat i think i love you *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now