His Comfort (j.d)

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I take a deep breathe to calm my nerves and walk out onto the stage my deformed hands showing in the light gaining everyone's attention i walk over to the mic and start singing 'come as you are by nirvana' my nerves calming more and more as i sing each lyric

After a while i hear boos start to erupt from the crowd i furrow my eyebrows and before i know it im getting stuff thrown at me i try to move out the way of where the stuff is going as the background of nirvana is playing with no lyrics i start to panic

I run off stage tears in my eyes i run to jimmy gripping onto him "hey hey hey its okay ill be right back" he says i nod the tears threatening to fall out my eyes after a minute i hear groaning and punches being thrown i run onto the stage again and see chaos people are yelling jimmy is beating up the guys that threw stuff at me

I go to the edge of the stage and jump down where the fight was happening one guy was knocked out on the floor another was running away and jimmy was on top of one guy just pounding his face in i grab jimmys shoulder lightly pulling him

"Jimmy baby lets go" i say softly just for him to hear he stops punching for a moment before sighing and turning to me standing up and i grab his hand keeping him close to me and he grabs my waist as we walk though the crowd making sure not to lose each other

I walk him over to the trailer me and him share now and we walk in and he sits on the bed looking at me as i get alcohol and bandages i grab a towel and wipe the blood from his hands and knuckles standing in-between his legs as he looks at me

I slightly kneel down grabbing a towel putting it under his hand incase any alcohol falls down his hand and i pour the alcohol onto his hand he winces and turns his head his other hand gripping my arm his face scrunched up

I wipe it clean and grab the bandages wrapping them around his knuckles and i put a piece of tape so it wont fall off his face had a little bloody nose and a really small scratch i grab a washcloth whipping the blood off his face as he looks into my eyes but my eyes are focused on his cuts

I get a small bandaid and put it on the cut he has and i sigh before grabbing his face with both my hands giving him a sweet kiss his hands grab onto my waist and i pull away and look down at my outfit food and drink staining my outfit tears fill my eyes quicker this time remembering why jimmy got into a fight and why all this happened

I look up trying to control the tears and jimmy holds me tighter against him "hey no no no its okay i took care of them baby come here" he says as he pulls me onto his lap my legs dangling off the left side of his legs so if he stood up he could hold me bridal style

I dig my face into his shoulder nuzzling my face into his neck as some tears that escape stain his shirt he rubs my back and his other hand that lays on my thigh close to my knee his thumb rubbing on my leg

He kisses my head and stands up picking me up bridal style "come on lets get you changed out of that outfit" he says and we walk to the closet we share and he sets me down grabbing one of his shirts and some comfortable pants and he turns to me "arms up" he says and i put my arms up and he takes off my shirt putting his onto me

He leans down and pulls my pants down and i lift up my legs so he can put the pants onto my legs he stands up his full height and looks me in my eyes with his hands on my waist "you're so beautiful y/n idk why they did that you deserve so much better im sorry i cant give you better i really am"

I grab his face "no you do give me better everyday i see your handsome face and think wow hes really mine thats better every day i wake up by your side with your arms wrapped around me thats better every time we hang out behind stage or on the carousel thats better jimmy i cant ask for anything more" i say looking deep into his eyes

I lean in to him before we kiss its sweet and kind and understanding i kiss him again and again and we lean back and he looks at me before picking me up again making me smile he lays me on the bed and he lays next to me pulling the blanket over us

He pulls me closer to him "i love you y/n" he says our lips inches apart "i love you too jimmy more than you will ever know" i say kissing him softly running my hands through his hair before me and him fall asleep my body close too his...

So this is really cute omg i couldn't think of another imagine to do but this is what i got and its really cute ive also got a ps4 yayy and ive been playing the last of us i keep dieingg but anyways i love you *mwah mwah mwah* bye bye my love

evan and some taissa or ahs imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now